Birmingham Township Board of Supervisors gave the go ahead to the Recreation, Park and Open Space Committee at the March 4 meeting for a Revolutionary War re-enactment.
The committee received a request from the Pennsylvania 2nd Regiment of Foot to hold a re-enactment in Sandy Hollow Park sometime in the spring 2014. The Regiment has held events in other local venues including Valley Forge National Park and Brandywine Creek State Park. The committee contacted those parks to determine the requirements for holding a re-enactment event.
Both parks had positive feedback about hosting the Regiment. Approximately 300 re-enactors will participate in the two day event. They’ll arrive on Friday and camp out prior to the beginning of the opening of the re-enactments on Saturday and Sunday. The host park must supply logistical support volunteers, car parking, traffic control, food, restrooms, and clean up.
Using some data from the township’s experience for the 350th celebration, a detailed budget was presented with expenses totaling $19,402. Income from parking and sponsors was projected to be around $15,000.
The supervisors felt the budget could be accommodated by the township, however they expressed some reservations. The committee was asked to go get answers on three issues.
First, will the neighborhoods that will be impacted particularly on New Street support the event? Second, is spring 2014 the only possible date? Supervisors wanted more time to prepare. Third, will there be enough volunteers?
The committee was thanked for there diligent work and were promised a final decision next meeting when the answers to the questions are presented.
Other business
• Roadmaster David Rathbun said that the annual road inspection will be April 4.
Supervisors’ Vice Chairman William Kirkpatrick noted that there was much trash along the roadsides in the township. He suggested that the township hold a community work day with volunteers to pick up trash. It was agreed that reflective vests would be needed for the protection of volunteers.
• Sewer rates will be increased by 8 percent in anticipation of the work to be done in response to the EPA/DEP requirements to reduce nitrogen emissions from the sewage plant. The existing plant will be retrofitted with chambers to remove nitrogen.
• Carla Westerman was approved for membership on the Historical Committee. Her book and knowledge of the area were noted as an asset to the community and as a potential contributor to the work of the committee.
• Advertising for CPA firm for 2013 was approved.
• Township resident Lloyd Roach asked why the detailed financial statements were not posted on the Web site. He noted after the meeting that all the townships within 10 miles post their financial details. Roach also questioned the limited access to police data.

About Emily Myers
Emily Myers has lived and worked in Chadds Ford for over thirty five years. She founded the parent company of Chadds Ford Live, Decision Design Research, Inc., in 1982. represents the confluence of Myers' long time, deep involvement in technology and community. Myers was a founding member of the Chadds Ford Business Association and currently serves on its board of directors. Her hobbies include bridge, golf, photography and Tai Chi. She lives with her husband, Jim Lebedda, in Chadds Ford Township.
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