• More than 60 works by F.O.C. Darley, whose talent in book and magazine illustrations made him the most popular illustrator of his day, will be on view at the Brandywine River Museum from Jan. 19 through March 10. The Magic Pencil of the Amazing F.O.C. Darley features works from the Brandywine River Museum's rich permanent collection, rarely seen prints on loan from the Darley Society, and several important works on loan from private collectors. The exhibition also includes bank notes and bonds illustrated by Darley, a sketch book from his European tour, drawings for Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, James Fenimore Cooper's The Pioneers and Sylvester Judd's Margaret, as well as examples of his important historical drawings and more.
• Have you ever wondered what makes a firefly glow? Or how strange sea creatures light up the deepest depths of the ocean? The Delaware Museum of Natural History presents Glow: Living Lights, on display Jan. 26 through May 27. The exhibit takes visitors through an illuminating journey of both terrestrial and marine environments to learn why and how so many creatures are lighting up the dark.
• The Chadds Ford Historical Society will hold its fifth annual Winter Plein Air event on Saturday, Feb. 2. After a day of painting in Chadds Ford, PA and the Brandywine Valley, 30 award winning artists from the Mid-Atlantic region return to the Chadds Ford Historical Society’s Barn Visitor Center to frame and hang their paintings for a special exhibit and art sale. There will be a “first look” sale and preview party from 5 to 6 p.m. Tickets are $50. $25 can be applied to the purchase of a painting. That will be followed by a wine and cheese gathering with an admission price of $10.
