• The walls of the Chadds Ford Gallery are covered with it’s annual tradition, Christmas in Miniature. More than 70 professional artists have smaller works of art on display through Dec. 31. It’s the 31st annual event for the gallery that started the Christmas in Miniature display that’s been copied by other galleries.. Gallery Director Barbara Moore said the miniature art is a great way to start collecting without a large expense. (See photo above.)
• The December Chadds Ford Business Association meeting — focusing on Chadds Ford history in pictures — is planned for Thursday, Dec. 6 at the Gables restaurant on Route 1 in Pennsbury Township. Chadds Ford Historical Society President George Franz will be the guest speaker. The luncheon is at noon and costs $20, which covers the lunch and gratuity. Guests are welcome.
• The Nov. 27 hearing in Concord Township for the proposed Wegman’s on the Hineman property was continued to Jan. 15.
• Santa Claus and reindeer will be at Olde Ridge Village on Saturday, Dec. 1 from noon to 2 p.m.
• Concord Township’s annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony is scheduled for 6-8 p.m., Friday, Dec. 7 at the Concord Community Center at 43 Thornton Road. The tree lighting will be at 6 p.m., followed by Santa listening to children’s wishes.
• Special Teas Tea Room is hosting Tea with Santa at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 9. Seating is limited so call 610-358-2320 to reserve your seat. The cost is $15.50 per person.
• The Rotary Club of Concordville-Chadds Ford recently presented a check for $1500 to the Delaware County 4-H Program at their meeting at Maris Grove.
Pictured in courtesy photo from left to right is Anton Dell’Orefice, Rotary member and 4-H parent, presenting a check to Helaine Brown, 4-H Coordinator and Nicole Sciubba, 4-H Volunteer. The donation will benefit Delaware County 4-H members enrolled in the Cooperative Animal Program at the 4-H Farm in Newtown Square. Rotary is a global network of community volunteers. Members are business, professional and community leaders who meet weekly to plan and implement community and international service activities and network with other professionals.
