• A Delaware man, suspected of robbing the DNB Bank on Oakland Road in Chadds Ford Township on Aug. 24, was taken into custody after he allegedly robbed a Susquehanna Bank in West Whiteland Township on Aug. 31. The suspect was identified as Kord Johnson, 46, of Wilmington. Police made the connection based on physical descriptions provided by witnesses and surveillance tapes. Police said Johnson was apprehended following a foot chase while fleeing the Susquehanna robbery.
• State police are investigating an attempted theft of a motor vehicle in Concord Township. Police reported that someone unlawfully entered a vehicle and removed the steering column cover and ignition cylinder in an attempt to start the vehicle. The incident happened at the Valleybrook Apartment parking lot sometime between 2 p.m., Sept. 3, and 5:30 a.m., Sept. 4.
• Someone stole an ATV from a driveway on Robbins Way in Concord Township sometime between Aug. 28 and 29.
• Police said someone found an abandoned bicycle on Hemlock Drive in Concord Township. The bike was taken to the Media barracks of the Pennsylvania State Police and placed in storage. The owner of the bike should call police at 484-840-1000.
• Richard Bellingham, the 57-year-old Wilmington resident accused of molesting several young girls in Chadds Ford and Concord Township in the 1980s, waived his right to a preliminary hearing on Aug. 30. A formal arraignment before District Justice Richard M. Cappelli was set for Sept. 27.
