• Unionville High School
cafeteria is the site of the U-CF School District’s annual Pasta Dinner to
benefit the United Way. The dinner runs from 5-9 p.m. Costs are $30 per family
or $10 per adult and $5 for children. In addition to the dinner, there will be
a silent auction, bake sale and entertainment. For tickets, go to
www.unitedwayscc.org or phone 610-444-4357.
• Darlington Arts Center
presents American roots band Homegrown Two on Friday, April 27 as the finale to
their 2011-12 Coffee House Performance Series. A Homegrown Two show explores
the wide range of oral traditions of 19th and 20th century American music,
spanning from the music of posh Victorian parlors to songs from rough and rowdy
labor camps across the rural countryside. This concert will start with an open
mic at 7:30pm followed by the Homegrown Two at 8pm. Darlington Arts Center is
at 977 Shavertown Road in Garnet Valley. For more information call 610-358-3632
or visit www.darlingtonarts.org.
• Chadds Ford Township and the
Civic Association of Chadds Ford want you to save the date, Saturday, April 28,
to participate in "Recycling & Community Day" and "Roadside
Clean Up Day." The event will be held at the municipal building, 10 Ring
Road, and will run from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Supreme Asset Management and Recovery
will be collecting electronic equipment for recycling, essentially
anything with a plug that is non-hazardous. Goodwill Industries will be
accepting gently used clothing, Country Home and Hearth will be collecting used
residential propane tanks, and NexCut Shredding will be onsite shredding any
and all paper documents that you need shredded. The Civic Association will also
be conducting a roadside clean up and collecting canned food. Check out www.ChaddsFordCivicAssn.org
for more information.
• Interested in learning more
about Plein air painting from the artists? The Chadds Ford Historical Society
is hosting its first Spring Paint-Out Event on Saturday, April 28 at the
settings of The Old Homestead and Stonebridge Farm located in Denton Hollow.
This is an exclusive Plein Air artist excursion open to 20 participants who
have a desire to watch and learn from six award-winning Mid-Atlantic Plein Air
Association painters. Plan to attend by registering with the Chadds Ford
Historical Society. The cost is $25 for society members, $30 for non-members.
Transportation to the event is provided from the Historical Society’s Barn
Visitors Center at 12:45 p.m. For more information, visit www.chaddsfordhistory.org
or call 610-388-7376.
• The annual Pennsbury Township
Yard Sale is scheduled for April 28. There will also be a shredding event in
the township parking lot from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
• Author Bruce Mowday will be
talking about former Phillies’ great Richie Ashburn during a book signing of
“Rich Ashburn: Why the Hall Not?” at the Sanderson Museum on Sunday, April 29
from 1-3 p.m. Bruce Mowday tells the story of Ashburn signing an autograph for
a young fan and years later how that fan helps Ashburn enter baseball’s Hall of
• On June 3, at the Sanderson,
Mike Madigan from Newfoundland, the island the Titanic sank off exactly 100
years ago April, relates his family connection to Titanic survivor 3rd class
passenger, Maggie Madigan. Although Maggie survived the Titanic, she became
lost in history - that is, until just recently.
• The 32nd annual Rare Plant
Auction at Longwood Gardens is scheduled for April 28. For a donation of $125
per person, visitors can spend the day at Longwood followed by a gala with
cocktails and a buffet dinner beginning at 6:30 p.m. There will be a live
auction benefitting the Delaware Center for Horticulture’s greening and
outreach programs. Tickets are available at the door or in advance at
• Penn State Extension Master
Gardeners of Chester County will be holding a garden fair and sale on April 28,
9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the East Goshen Township Building, 1580 Paoli Pike in West
Chester. The event will include classes, workshops, plant sale, demonstrations,
and a silent auction. A fee of $25 ($35 at the door, space permitting) provides
admission to all talks and activities. The plant sale is free and open to the
• Rose Tree Park in Media will
host the fifth annual Walk for the Wounded from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on May 19.
It’s a two-mile walk to benefit wounded soldiers. There will be live music, a
motorcycle and car show and will feature television personalities Michael
Barkann and Tracy Davidson and the Phillie Phanatic. Sign up on line at
• Brandywine Battlefield Park
celebrates Craft Day on Saturday, May 19. Visitors can explore the simplest to
the more intricate of colonial crafts. There will be demonstrations and
do-it-yourself activities for the whole family.
