Free Your Space Tips for Staging Your Home

you are planning on putting your house on the market or are simply looking to
spruce up and slough off the winter doldrums, why not try your hand at home

a stroll through your home. Does
it seem over-stuffed? Airy? Do you like the artwork on the walls
and shelves? How do you feel when
you enter – happy, peaceful, relaxed, exhausted, stressed? If we seek to create them or not, there
are design principles that occur, to a greater or lesser degree, in our
homes. Principles like balance,
proportion and harmony. We often
forget that they exist and that they are within our control to create.

Staging is an act of de-personalizing. The result that you are shooting for when
staging is a balanced, open and neutral environment that communicates
possibilities and appeals to the broadest audience. Research shows that the staged home consistently sells in
half the time or less and at a rate 10-15 percent higher than its un-staged competition.
Decorating, on the other hand, is
subjective. The goal is to
personalize your space so as to make it an environment that reflects, supports
and enhances your life. Staging and
decorating differ mainly in their intended outcomes. When you decorate, it is the sentimental items and
personalized creature comforts that help make a house a home. Yet, many of the design principles used
in staging can be applied when trying to create your own balanced and peaceful

to try and “sell” your house? Here
we go!

looking to buy a home will want to know that there is a working kitchen – what
they don’t want to know is that cooking takes work! Having a counter large enough for a dish drain may be one of
the convenient bonuses that you like about your kitchen. Displaying
the dish drain itself, whether empty or half-full will not convey that benefit
to a prospective buyer. A good
habit to start when preparing to list your house is to complete your
dishwashing routine with the drying of both your dishes and your drainer, putting the dishes away and storing the rack
under the sink (atop other items if need be). If you’re not using every appliance you own daily, try
finding a storage space for them other than the countertops.

a house-hunter currently has children or not, they will want to know that the
home they are purchasing offers them the space to consider that option. You don’t have to hide the fact that
your kids exist (well, not completely).
When it comes to child-related items, you will want to confine them to
specifically designated areas. It
is acceptable to display artwork in a child’s room or play room – a few choice
creations. The kitchen however
should stay fairly kid-free in terms of its décor, appealing to the chef’s
spirit. Time to clear off the
fridge and give it a good polishing!

inventory of your bookshelves and closets. Keep only what is current, unbroken and still wanted. Remove the rest, always leaving some
extra breathing room. It’s
important for balance to keep the weightier items low. Weight is perceived in both color and
size. Bookshelves should hold
bigger, heavier books on the low shelves.
A dark box or blanket can disappear in the bottom of a linen closet yet,
if placed on a top shelf, might make someone want to cringe at the threat of
its impending avalanche. Eye-level
shelving should be sparsely arranged, breaking up rows of books with an
occasional vase or statue.
Consider standing a book up (maybe something about your city or state)
facing forward for an interesting focal point.

de-cluttering is critical to enhancing the spacious feeling of your home,
adding and arranging décor is equally important. Is there one room or specific window where you cluster most
of your houseplants? Spreading
your plants out ornamentally throughout your home, although less convenient for
quick watering and optimal growth, is a great staging technique to add color
and life to each room. Make a list
of pictures and wall hangings that need to be hung and put a date on the
calendar to do it. Don’t wait for
a move to enjoy your artwork. Have
you been waiting for that perfect piece of art to hang on the big empty wall in
the dining room? You might
consider purchasing a mirror for staging purposes. It will fill the void while simultaneously making the room
seem larger.

some or all of these staging design ideas, and then wander back through your
home. I promise, both your home
and your mood will be lighter.

* To contact Annette Reyman for organizing
work, productivity support, gift certificates or speaking engagements in the
Greater Philadelphia area call (610) 213-9559 or email her at [email protected].
Reyman is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers
(NAPO®) and Board Member of its Greater
Philadelphia Chapter
. Visit her website at or
follow All Right Organizing on Facebook

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. jdefrank

    This article has loads of good advice for homeowners who are getting ready to sell this Spring!

    Beth Alois, Prudential Fox & Roach Chadds Ford

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