If the federal government were
a business, it would be belly up. But, only in Washington, DC can ineptitude
and irresponsibility be rewarded and used to gain sympathy for the inept.
At the risk of sounding like
the proverbial broken record, the country is in debt, horribly so. The current
debt is now more than $15 trillion, $5 trillion more than three years ago and
still growing. Our entire national economy is just about $17 trillion. A
potential monetary breakdown is not farfetched and not very far away unless
things change.
Yet, Washington — Congress
and the president — can’t pass a budget. When it comes to finances, all they’ve
done is pass and sign continuing resolutions, not real budget.
There have been 14 CRs since
President Obama took office in January of 2009. There was no budget when the
Democrats had control of both houses of Congress during the first two years of
the Obama presidency, and none either after the Republicans took control of the
The Senate has not vote on or
sent to the House any budget since George Bush was in office. The House did
send one to the Senate this year, but the upper chamber rejected the plan.
Continuing Resolutions fund the
government for short periods of time and the last one came just a month ago, at
Thanksgiving. No business or household could stay afloat with that level of
management. Or should we say, mismanagement?
Granted, the government isn’t a
business and can’t be run like one. But, neither is a fixed-income household a
business, yet people living in such a condition still have to live within a
budget. Apparently, the Republicans and Democrats in Congress don’t believe
they have to do the same. Apparently, since they believe they can right any law
they want even if in violation of the Constitution, they can violate the laws
of economics, too. It’s more arrogance than ignorance.
This arrogance has led to a
dysfunctional Congress, both houses. Most members believe they can avoid
reading the bills write and avoid the Bill of Rights. Congress began abdicating
its fiscal responsibilities in 1913 when the Federal Reserve was created and
has become more dysfunctional since.
Our increasing debt is as much
of a threat to our liberties as is the growing police state where the president
can order the assassination of a US citizen without charges being brought.
