Was it a tease or something to
which we should look forward?
The “it” was the comment from
Casey Lafferty, one of the owners of the strip mall in the village of Chadds
Ford where there’s been an empty storefront ever since the Old Wooden Market
and Deli closed. The comment was that he is actively looking for a deli or a
coffee house to fill the vacancy.
Good…for whichever one happens,
as long as it happens.
Chadds Ford Township lost three
businesses during the latter half of 2011. One was Tales & Toys in Olde
Ridge Village while the other two, Old Wooden and Barn House Coffee and Tea,
were in the village.
While the toy store was not a
place where people would congregate, the deli and coffee shop were.
As with the Wawa, when it was
in the village, the deli was a spot where friends and neighbors would see each
other in the morning or afternoon and catch up on personal or other business.
The one thing lacking there was a place to sit and chat over coffee.
That lack was made up by the
coffee shop that was located across the street in the Barn Shops. People could,
and did, sit, sip their coffee, eat a bagel or biscotti or maybe have some
soup. Patrons would conduct business meetings and interviews there.
And both businesses had on-site
owners perfectly suited to their business, friendly and attentive. Both Bill
Bondarchuk, who owned the deli, and Bill Githens, who owned the Barn House, are
missed by those who used to frequent their establishments.
And while they lost businesses,
residents and people who work in the Chadds Ford area lost their friendly
neighborhood hangouts.
So what will come of the deli
location? We can’t say for certain at this point, but we hope the new owner of
the shopping center can get a business in there where people can socialize,
sit, relax and enjoy one another’s company.
