Eagle Scout project proposed by Connor McShane of Troop 31. The idea is for
McShane to paint a mural to be installed in the Harris Meeting Room of the Pennsbury
municipal building. The mural is based on the Pennsylvania Coat of Arms, but
with the outline of the Township, the Brandywine Creek and a 13-star flag
included in the crest.
• Dr. Eric Balcavage is giving
a talk on diabetes 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27, at the Regency Plaza, Penn
Building in Glen Mills, behind Maggie Moo's. Seminar topics include why current
therapy or treatment could make your diabetes worse, how stress can accelerate
diabetes and five foods that are detrimental. Seating is strictly limited to 15
people. Call 888-254-4149 to register.
• The Delaware Museum of
Natural History will have a Free Sunday, from 9:30 a.m. to noon on
Sunday, Feb. 13, a press release said. The event is courtesy of the PNC
Foundation. DMNH is located at 4840 Kennett Pike, Wilmington.
The museum will open a new exhibit, Tarantulas: Alive and Up-Close, on view
Saturday, Feb. 12 through Monday, May 30.
For more information visit www.delmnh.org
or call 302-658-9111.
• Chester County Citizens for
Climate Protection is holding a free community program, "Ocean
Acidification—the OTHER Global CO2 Problem" at 7 p.m. on Feb. 2, a press
release said. The event will be at the West Chester Municipal Building, 401 E.
Gay Street in West Chester.
• While Simon Pearce closed its
restaurant and glassblowing workshop on Jan. 12, the company will keep the gift
shop open until Sunday, Feb. 13. A company statement said they
would offer 30 percent off all second-quality designs, sale items, home
accents, and furniture in the store. Store hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through
Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday.
