Graduation of area firefighters celebrated

The Chester County Department of Emergency Services (DES), Fire Services Division, held graduation for the Spring 2015 Firefighter I class. Twenty-six graduates were given their certification at a ceremony that was held at the Wagontown Fire Company on Thursday, Nov. 19, a county press release said. Family, friends and fire company officials were on hand to witness the graduation and certification recognition. Chaplain Jerry Schwartz,…

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Stonebridge hearing ends, decision next month

A zoning hearing on whether a Chadds Ford home on Webb Road may be used as a residential rehab center concluded, and a decision is scheduled for Dec. 16. The session was filled with legal objections that were summarily overruled. Chadds Ford Township is opposing a request by Drew and Nicole Barnabei, owners of the property at 681 Webb Road known as Stonebridge Mansion, to…

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Wegmans now open

The anticipation was building for years and the day finally arrived. Wegmans Food Market is now open in Concord Township. The store, located at 100 Applied bank Boulevard, officially opened at 7 a.m., Sunday, Nov. 8 after store manager Todd Strassner Jr, led the employees in a chant of “Give me W…” A crowd of hundreds began forming a line by 6:15 a.m. and they…

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Noise and taxes at CF supervisors’ meeting

Chadds Ford Township supervisors now have a preliminary budget to consider, and the township has a new noise ordinance on the books. The preliminary budget for 2016, as presented by township Manager Amanda Serock, projects general fund revenue and expenses at slightly more than $1.2 million. According to Serock, the $1.2 million figure represents a 17 percent decrease in spending from last year. In addition…

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