Township questions Painter’s Folly use

When Chadds Ford Township bought Painter’s Folly in 2018, supervisors had no idea what to do with the property. Former Supervisor Noelle Barbone, a realtor who was instrumental in getting the township to buy the property, acknowledged that fact in an interview a few months before the sale was finalized. (See Chadds Ford looking to buy Painters Folly) And the township still isn’t sure what…

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Former Wyeth property to be preserved

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The former home of NC Wyeth is to be preserved.

A former Chadds Ford home of NC Wyeth, where he worked on the Treasure Island illustration is about to be preserved. The property is known as the Davis Tract but is more recently the home of former Chadds Ford residents, the Camp Family. It’s the 16-acre property just to the east of the Barn Shops on Route 1. NALT President Steven Carter said the nonprofit…

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New zoning code in Chadds Ford

It was out with the old and in with the new for a Chadds Ford Township zoning ordinance. The Board of Supervisors on Tuesday held two hearings on the matter, one for the text change and the second, for the adoption of an official map reflecting the new ordinance. After about 40 minutes, supervisors approved the changes for both. Approval was unanimous. Supervisors’ Chairman Samantha…

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Chadds Ford in brief May 29

• Chadds Ford Township supervisors Wednesday night approved a massage therapy application for the Willowdale Holistic Center in Olde Ridge Village. PJ Hendrix, the center’s owner, had applied previously to get permission to have a massage therapist, but the therapist’s paperwork hadn’t yet been completed. • Supervisors made two appointments during the work session. They appointed Larry Smith to be the alternate on the Zoning…

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Zoning hearing for historic property

Will Francena Chalfant be allowed to use her home on Ridge Road as an Airbnb short-term rental? She’ll have to wait until the Chadds Ford Township Zoning Hearing Board meets next to find out. Chalfant has been using her family home at 126 Ridge Road as an Airbnb rental since 2016 but the township zoning code does not specifically allow for such short-term rentals beyond…

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Chadds Ford in brief

• Chadds Ford Township supervisors Wednesday night held a brief hearing for, then voted in favor of an updated stormwater management plan. Ordinance 175 repeals and replaces the current ordinance. Township solicitor Mike Maddren said the updated ordinance changes several definitions used in the earlier ordinance, and engineer Mike Schneider said it provides for several waivers and exemptions. • The board also voted to advertise…

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Ethics violations alleged in Chadds Ford

The Chadds Ford Township Republican Party sent a message Monday saying an “official ethics inquiry” has been launched into conduct by Board of Supervisors’ Chairman Samantha Reiner. The message came from GOP leader Mary Kot, who declined to comment when Chadds Ford Live contacted her. The matter arose again during the April 24 Board of Supervisors’ workshop. Questions of ethics violations revolve around two years…

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Chadds Ford in brief

• Chadds Ford Township Board of Supervisors Wednesday night held a hearing and approved an updated SALDO (subdivision and land development) ordinance. According to Supervisors’ Vice Chair Timotha Trigg, the amended ordinance repeals and replaces Chapter 110 of the original SALDO dated 1985. Township solicitor Mike Maddren said it was simply “a restatement of our entire SALDO.” Mike Schneider, the township engineer, said the 71-page…

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CF supports land purchase

Chadds Ford Township supervisors Wednesday night voted to contribute $250,000 to the North American Land Trust’s grant application to buy 1597 Baltimore Pike. Supervisors’ Chairman Samantha Reiner said the money would come from Open Space funds, something the Open Space Committee approved. The property is the former home of N.C. Wyeth and, most recently, the Camp family. The Camps sold the property to developer Wayne…

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Ida, an ‘800-year storm’

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Brandywine Conservancy’s Director Of Community Services Grant DeCosta addresses Chadds Ford Township residents during a presentation of the flood study project spawned by the effects of Hurricane Ida.

The Brandywine Conservancy and its partners are taking their flood study meetings on the road. The first stop was in Chadds Ford Township this week. Grant DeCosta, the conservancy’s director of community services, conducted the session as he did a larger meeting at the conservancy last month. This week’s meeting focused on reminding Chadds Ford residents what the conservancy and its partners are doing to…

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Tavern wants more parking

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Owners of The Chadds Ford Tavern are looking to add more parking for patrons.

It’s only in the sketch plan phase, but the Chadds Ford Tavern could get more parking if the plan moves forward to fruition. The idea presented to the township Planning Commission Wednesday night is for the restaurant to buy the 22-acre parcel just east of the tavern, and use that for more parking, stormwater management, and a new home for restaurateur Phil Ferro and his…

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