An approved commercial development in Concord Township has, again, triggered concerns among some Chadds Ford Township residents. Those residents, mostly from the Ridings development, asked Chadds Ford supervisors Wednesday evening to take an active role in learning what will actually be happening at the intersection of Route 202 and Ridge Road.
Specifically, they asked the supervisors to get updated information on traffic counts and stormwater management controls for what has been planned as a shopping center at the site across from Olde Ridge Village.
Original plans for the 25-acre property called for 21 retail pads — with three for restaurants — and a large 58,000-square-foot retail pad for an anchor store. Those plans also called for Ridge Road to be widened to three lanes in each direction for approximately one-quarter mile, from its intersection with Route 202 to the Chadds Ford border.
The site borders Chadds Ford Township and residents on Ridge Road, especially those in the Ridings, have been concerned about the impact the development would have on their neighborhoods.
Concord Township approved the application in 2008 for one developer, then reaffirmed it in 2014 for Pettinaro Construction. Chadds Ford Township residents became concerned again and there were several pieces of litigation, all of which allowed the project to continue.
But Pettinaro took no action on the development until 2021 when it leased out the property for two years for farming wheat and soybeans. Recently, though, there has been some activity on the site and the neighboring Chadds Ford residents are again concerned.
Earlier this year, Retail Sites of New Jersey entered into an agreement of sale to buy the property. Retail Sites already has two shopping centers in Delaware County, Shoppes at Brookhaven and Shoppes at Upper Providence. Sources in Concord Township said they have no updates but believe the new owner wants to make settlement before the end of the year.
“We need your help,” said Carolyn Daniels who lives in the Ridings.
She said many residents are concerned about the development in Concord Township and how it might affect the health, safety and welfare of Chadds Ford residents.
“We’re asking tonight for Chadds Ford Township support and oversight in monitoring the project and help mitigate the impact the project would have.”
She continued by saying the proposed changes to Ridge Road would change an otherwise residential and rural road into a major thoroughfare, and that would also affect traffic on Ring and Heyburn roads. Daniels added that there are no traffic calming measures on the plans.
Ridge Road is planned as the main entrance for delivery trucks coming from northbound Route 202.
Another concern is stormwater management and how runoff from the development would affect well water and possibly cause flooding.
“We are respectfully asking the township to take an active role in protecting our residents."
Chris Freeman, also of the Ridings, is the director of grounds at the Merion Cricket Club. He gave some specific suggestions and recommendations.
Regarding stormwater management, Freeman said Chadds Ford Township should “require Concord Township” to provide updates on anticipated water discharge and have third-party stormwater management.
He said any discharge of stormwater during or from major rain events while affecting Concord, would make its way into Chadds Ford and have an impact on wells and streams. Freeman also wants Chadds Ford to require Concord to provide an environmental impact study about the wetlands on the property.
Because the property in question borders on Chadds Ford Township, Freeman said he wants Chadds Ford to perform a township line survey to show the current property line, and for Chadds Ford to provide comments on setback requirements.
Other speakers addressed the board as well, but the concerns expressed were the same, they want Chadds Ford Township to continually monitor the developments in Concord to stay on top of what may develop.
In response to the concerns, Chadds Ford Township solicitor Mike Maddren said the township has already requested an updated traffic study. As for other aspects, Maddren said “We don’t have a lot of insight into what’s happening. We have to take a wait-and-see posture.”
A check of Retail Sites web page shows “The Shoppes at Concord” at Ridge Road and Route 202 as one of its properties. However, the person listed as the leasing person declined to comment and said he couldn’t suggest anyone else with who to speak.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.