PTO Report

Spring has sprung for the students of Chadds Ford Elementary and their parents.  Everyone is busy getting ready for the school’s biggest fundraiser, the 61st Annual Chadds Ford Art Sale & Show this Friday, March 19 from 7 to 10 p.m. and Saturday, March 20 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The planning for this year’s show began when last year’s show ended and many parent volunteers have put in countless hours to ensure that this long-standing community event is magnificent in every way.  Friday evening, the school is transformed into an amazing art gallery where patrons can mingle with the artists while enjoying live music and hors d’oeuvres from prominent local restaurants.  The show continues on Saturday where patrons can enjoy live painting demonstrations and wonderful music.  This year patrons even have the opportunity to win signed pieces by Andrew and Jamie Wyeth in our raffle.  Remember admission is free and 30% of all purchases are tax deductible. Don’t miss it!


The third-graders enjoyed a taste of Spring during their Read-A-Thon in February when they boarded “Chadds Ford Airlines” for a trip to exotic destinations around the world.  The Read-A-Thon theme was “Reading Takes You Places” and the students jetted through the halls of CFE to countries and continents around the globe for different reading themed games and projects.


The snow may have postponed another spring tradition at Chadds Ford, but the Talent Show must go on — and it finally did in early March.  American Idol and America’s Got Talent haven’t seen anything yet until they’ve seen the talent of the third-, fourth- and fifth-graders.  A packed gymnasium of students, parents, grandparents and friends enjoyed a wide variety of terrific acts including singing, music, dance, comedy, drawing, acting, and even yo-yo tricks.


This spring, the most pressing question on parents’ minds isn’t “where do we go for spring break,” instead the most pressing question on parents’ minds is “what’s going to happen with the school district budget?”  The combination of the economic downturn, a reduction in the tax base and other factors have spurred the school board to propose drastic budget changes.  At a School Board Finance Committee meeting and work session on March 8, the administration of the U-CF School District addressed the possible changes that would need to be implemented in order to achieve the proposed budget cuts.

Some of the possible changes that were proposed are:
*   Increased class sizes & elimination of teachers' positions
*   Elimination of mid-day Kindergarten bussing
*   Delayed replacement of educational technology equipment and school busses
*   Compression and elimination of administrative jobs
*   Cuts in middle school sports teams
*   Increased fees for participating in school sports teams and school co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
*   Reduction in funds for building improvements
*   Accepting tuition paying students from other districts in PA and from out of state

These cuts are being discussed NOW for implementation when the children return to school at the end of August and 2010-11 budget will be voted on by the School Board at the June Board Meeting.  You can voice your opinion on these changes in a number of ways: 
*  Email the School Board Directors with your opinion. Their emails may be found on the District website
*  Attend our next PTO meeting which we are moving to April 7 at 9:15 a.m.  The School Board President and our own Chadds Ford parent, Timotha Trigg, will be at our meeting to speak about the budget, answer questions and receive comments.  She will also speak about the mandate by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to all school districts for additional contributions to the Pennsylvania State Employees Retirement System (PSERS) and what impact that has on the budget. 
*  Attend the Community Conversation about the budget with the entire School Board on April 7th in the evening (look for the location and time on the District website). 
*  Attend the School Board Finance Committee Meetings on April 12, May 10 and June 14 at 6pm in the high school Library and the School Board Work Session immediately following that at 7pm.
*  Attend the April 19,  May 17 and June 21 school board meetings at 7:30 p.m. at Patton Middle School, the high school LGI room and Chadds Ford Elementary, respectively.
*  Attend the Budget Hearings on May 3, 4, 5 at 7pm in the high school library.

If you have an opinion, the worst thing you can do is to do nothing. Please let your voice be heard!

Art show at CFES



Spring has sprung for the students of Chadds Ford Elementary and their parents.  Everyone is busy getting ready for the school’s biggest fundraiser, the 61st Annual Chadds Ford Art Sale & Show this Friday, March 19 from 7 to 10 p.m. and Saturday, March 20 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The planning for this year’s show began when last year’s show ended and many parent volunteers have put in countless hours to ensure that this long-standing community event is magnificent in every way.  Friday evening, the school is transformed into an amazing art gallery where patrons can mingle with the artists while enjoying live music and hors d’oeuvres from prominent local restaurants.  The show continues on Saturday where patrons can enjoy live painting demonstrations and wonderful music.  This year patrons even have the opportunity to win signed pieces by Andrew and Jamie Wyeth in our raffle.  Remember admission is free and 30% of all purchases are tax deductible. Don’t miss it!


The third-graders enjoyed a taste of Spring during their Read-A-Thon in February when they boarded “Chadds Ford Airlines” for a trip to exotic destinations around the world.  The Read-A-Thon theme was “Reading Takes You Places” and the students jetted through the halls of CFE to countries and continents around the globe for different reading themed games and projects.


The snow may have postponed another spring tradition at Chadds Ford, but the Talent Show must go on — and it finally did in early March.  American Idol and America’s Got Talent haven’t seen anything yet until they’ve seen the talent of the third-, fourth- and fifth-graders.  A packed gymnasium of students, parents, grandparents and friends enjoyed a wide variety of terrific acts including singing, music, dance, comedy, drawing, acting, and even yo-yo tricks.


This spring, the most pressing question on parents’ minds isn’t “where do we go for spring break,” instead the most pressing question on parents’ minds is “what’s going to happen with the school district budget?”  The combination of the economic downturn, a reduction in the tax base and other factors have spurred the school board to propose drastic budget changes.  At a School Board Finance Committee meeting and work session on March 8, the administration of the U-CF School District addressed the possible changes that would need to be implemented in order to achieve the proposed budget cuts.

Some of the possible changes that were proposed are:
*   Increased class sizes & elimination of teachers' positions
*   Elimination of mid-day Kindergarten bussing
*   Delayed replacement of educational technology equipment and school busses
*   Compression and elimination of administrative jobs
*   Cuts in middle school sports teams
*   Increased fees for participating in school sports teams and school co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
*   Reduction in funds for building improvements
*   Accepting tuition paying students from other districts in PA and from out of state

These cuts are being discussed NOW for implementation when the children return to school at the end of August and 2010-11 budget will be voted on by the School Board at the June Board Meeting.  You can voice your opinion on these changes in a number of ways: 
*  Email the School Board Directors with your opinion. Their emails may be found on the District website
*  Attend our next PTO meeting which we are moving to April 7 at 9:15 a.m.  The School Board President and our own Chadds Ford parent, Timotha Trigg, will be at our meeting to speak about the budget, answer questions and receive comments.  She will also speak about the mandate by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to all school districts for additional contributions to the Pennsylvania State Employees Retirement System (PSERS) and what impact that has on the budget. 
*  Attend the Community Conversation about the budget with the entire School Board on April 7th in the evening (look for the location and time on the District website). 
*  Attend the School Board Finance Committee Meetings on April 12, May 10 and June 14 at 6pm in the high school Library and the School Board Work Session immediately following that at 7pm.
*  Attend the April 19,  May 17 and June 21 school board meetings at 7:30 p.m. at Patton Middle School, the high school LGI room and Chadds Ford Elementary, respectively.
*  Attend the Budget Hearings on May 3, 4, 5 at 7pm in the high school library.

If you have an opinion, the worst thing you can do is to do nothing. Please let your voice be heard!

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