Police Log Jan. 8: DUIs, thefts

Pennsylvania State Police Media Barracks • Police said they arrested Gabriel Jackson, 22, of Wake Forest, N.C., in Birmingham Township on Dec. 31 at 11:26 p.m. The report said police made a traffic stop just north of Dilworthtown Road after observing traffic violations. Investigation led to police determining that Jackson was driving under the influence and was in possession of marijuana • California Tortilla on…

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Sanville: Replace Patton MS

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From the presentation

Unionville-Chadds Ford School District Superintendent John Sanville is recommending that Charles F. Patton Middle School be replaced with a new school. Sanville made the recommendation to the school board during a special meeting on Jan. 6. His presentation to the board came after almost a year of discussions that included a feasibility study conducted by the architectural firm of Marotta/Main. Ideas under consideration were to…

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Adopt-a-Pet Jan 6

The following animals are ready to be adopted from the Brandywine Valley SPCA in West Chester. Reno This handsome guy is Reno, an 11-year-young guy, petite and sweet, who is looking for a fresh start in a loving and caring home. He is an affectionate guy who would love to be your sidekick for life. Stop by our West Chester campus to meet this adorable…

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Winter weather closings

UPDATE BELOW Unionville-Chadds Ford School District and Kennett Consolidated School District have canceled classes for Monday, Jan. 6 because of the impending storm. West Chester Borough has also decided to keep its offices closed for the day on Monday. Chadds Ford Live will continue to monitor closings. UPDATE Chester and Delaware County government offices and courts are also closed Monday, Jan. 6. Kennett Square has…

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Prepping for winter storm

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Drive safely. (PennDOT image)

AccuWeather is forecasting a winter storm watch from 1 a.m. Monday, Jan. 6 to 1 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 7. An estimated 3-6 inches of snow is predicted for the greater Chadds Ford to Kennett Square area with temperatures hovering around the freezing point. The National Weather Service out of Mt. Holly, N.J. is also calling for a winter storm watch and is reporting pretty much…

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Road Report Jan. 6 to Jan. 10

PennDOT has announced the following weather-dependent road projects that could affect drivers in the greater Chadds Ford area from Jan. 6 to Jan. 10. Motorists are urged to allow extra time traveling through one of the construction zones. Work schedules are subject to change. • Utility work will cause periodic daytime lane closures on Hannum Avenue between N. Wayne and N. Washington streets from Jan.…

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Special meeting for Patton MS

The Unionville-Chadds Ford School District is just about a month-and-a-half away from deciding what to do about C.F. Patton Middle School. A vote is scheduled for the school board’s Feb. 18 meeting, but a special meeting with a presentation is also scheduled for Monday, Jan. 6. The options on the table for the school are to either build a new one, renovate the current building,…

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Around Town Jan. 2

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Something Rotten is coming to Candlelight Theater.

• Candlelight Theater in Wilmington opens its 2025 season with the musical comedy Something Rotten. The show is a musical farce based on a cross of 16th century Shakespeare and 21st century Broadway. It’s been called “the funniest musical comedy in the last 400 years.” It runs from Jan. 18 through Feb. 23. Go here for ticketing information. • Longwood Gardens is offering a chance…

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Midnight in the Square in photos

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Happy New Year from Chadds Ford Live.

The rain delayed a lot of people, but they eventually showed up for Midnight in the Square with the Kennett Square Mushroom Drop Tuesday night. Most people didn’t show up until 11:30 p.m., but that left more room for partying before the stroke of midnight. Live music and laser lights set the tone for fun with dancing in the street before the mushroom’s descent at…

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Police Log Jan. 1: Thefts, DUIs

Pennsylvania State Police Media Barracks Police said they arrested a 37-year-old woman from Wilmington — not identified in the report — for stealing shoes from DSW Shoes in Concord Township. According to police, the suspect fled, but a later radio call about another theft at a different location led police to arrest the suspect who admitted to the Concord theft. Avondale Barracks • State police…

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