Vietnam Huey Helicopter at Fatherfest

June 17, 2017 @ 10:00 – 15:00

Take Me Home Huey is a one-of-a-kind sculptural art installation by artist Steve Maloney that was once a U.S. Army helicopter medevac shot down in Vietnam during a medical rescue in 1969, and later scrapped. Its transformation from boneyard heap to restored glory serves as a mixed-media educational tool with music, an exhibition and a documentary film.

The American Helicopter Museum and Education Center (AHMEC) is proud to host this exceptional exhibit as part of its upcoming annual FatherFest. Working in conjunction with Dave Barron of Light Horse Legacy, Inc., which partnered with Maloney to create the sculpture, AHMEC will offer photo and interview opportunities with the original crew of Huey #174 as it was known during its service, as well as with Barron.

“Wander past the exhibit to feel the emotion it encompasses,” said Barron. “Listen to Veterans speak of things that haven’t come out in decades. Meet the brave men who lived the motto, ‘So that others may live.’ See the film (and) listen to the song. Let me invite you to watch something truly amazing as art heals. You won’t walk away the same.”

Saturday, 6/17:

Exhibit open all day; admission free for Veterans w/ID

10 am – Introduction/Welcome the Crew of Huey #174

11 am – Pinning ceremony for Vietnam Veterans

11:30 am – Take Me Home Huey film screening in theatre

2 pm – Take Me Home Huey film screening in theatre

Sunday, 6/18 (FatherFest):

10 am-3 pm – Exhibit open all day

Crew of Huey #174 available until early afternoon

The American Helicopter Museum and Education Center in the land of industry innovators in the Philadelphia region, is the nation’s premier aviation museum devoted exclusively to helicopters. Established in 1996, the nonprofit organization collects, restores and displays rotary-wing aircraft, including over 35 civilian and military helicopters, autogiros and convertaplanes.



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