Tax increases in Kennett Twp.

The Kennett Township budget is available for public review and comment until Dec. 4. That is the date of the next supervisors’ meeting, at which time the board is expected to formally adopt the 2025 budget and tax rates. The budget documents, presentations, and other supporting data can be found on the Kennett Township website ( in the Document Center section. The preliminary budget, authorized…

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Chadds Ford in brief

• Chadds Ford Township supervisors Wednesday night voted to advertise the 2025 budget with an eye on adopting it in December. There have been no substantive changes since the budget discussion during the October workshop. The one exception to that, which was discussed last month, is that the annual Business Privilege Tax would increase from $100 per year to $225 per year. That increase, according…

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David Dodge wants carwash in Concord

Dave Kelleher of David Dodge is acting on his announcement of April 2023 to open a detailing shop and training center in Concord Township. His plan also calls for a car wash; for that, he needs a conditional use hearing. The shop and car wash would be on a 5.32-acre site at 830 Conchester Highway, across from Evergreen Drive. Kelleher already received zoning clearance for…

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Top cop honored; taxes raised

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Birmingham Township Police Chief Tom Nelling, left, accepts a plaque in his honor from Supervisors’ Chairman Scott Boorse.

Birmingham Township supervisors Monday night honored Police Chief Tom Nelling and voted to advertise the 2025 budget. That budget does contain a tax increase. Supervisors also plan to have a hearing for a zoning amendment, though the date for that is uncertain. Nellng has been involved with the township in multiple capacities since he moved into Birmingham in 1984 and has been the police chief…

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Proposed business tax hike in CF

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A breakdown of who gets what from a Chadds Ford tax dollar.

It’s budget time again and Chadds Ford Township supervisors want to increase what the township gives to the Concordville Fire & Protection Association. They think they found a way to do so without increasing property millage rates, but businesses could pay more. Township Finance Director Laura Lim gave a presentation on a draft of the 2025 budget at the Oct. 30 supervisors' work session. The…

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Harvest Festival in photos

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Steve Jacobs, the director of Concord Township’s Parks and Recreation director, leads youngsters.

It was a sunny and mild afternoon for Concord Township’s annual Harvest Festival this past Saturday. There was face painting, caricatures, horse rides, live music, and a costume parade. The event was held at the township dog park at 30 Bethel Road. Here’s how it looked.

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Chadds Ford and Concord get grants

State Rep. Craig Williams, R-160, announced in a press release that Chadds Ford and Concord received a combined $500,000 in grants through the Local Share Account grant program. The grants, issued by the Commonwealth Financing Authority, will support essential initiatives to improve public spaces, preserve historical landmarks, and enhance environmental infrastructure in the region. Chadds Ford Township was awarded $200,000 for the purchase and conservation…

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Hearing board OKs temp parking

The Chadds Ford Zoning Hearing Board granted temporary approval for David Dodge to park overflow inventory cars at the former Bunch Auction House. Zoning board members voted unanimously on Oct. 22 based on testimony given a month earlier. During the September hearing, Leah Kordeck, the controller for the dealership, said David Dodge has 900 cars in inventory, but only 385 parking spaces at its Route…

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Quick meeting in Pennsbury

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A sinkhole in the Knolls.

Pennsbury Township supervisors made quick work of a short agenda Wednesday night. They granted conditional use approval for a coffee shop on Ponds Edge Drive and authorized the township engineer to start looking for a company to repair a sinkhole in the Chadds Ford Knolls. The conditional use hearing was held on Sept. 18 for FRU Property Management and Little Brothers Coffee Roasters. They propose…

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Chadds Ford in brief

• Chadds Ford Township supervisors Monday night voted to spend almost $300,00 in AERPA funds on several township projects. The Walkable Chadds Ford project will get $207,000, the Sewer Authority will get $40,000, and while Painters Crossing Condominium HOA will get $50,000 for its stream restoration project. • The board awarded a winter maintenance contract to MOR Construction Service of Glen Mills. $1,670 for two…

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Shopping mall idea back for Route 202

It’s back in the news. The Philadelphia Business Journal reported that a New Jersey firm — Retail Sites— has purchased the 25-plus-acre vacant lot at Route 202 and Ridge Road across from Olde Ridge Village and wants to act on the approved shopping center development. According to that report, Retail Sites is buying the property which will have some sit-down and fast-food restaurants as well…

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