Carwash hearing closed

Concord Township has closed its conditional use hearing for a carwash on Conchester Highway, but no decision will be released for another month or two. As previously reported, Dave Kelleher of David Auto wants to open a detailing shop and a carwash on a 5.32-acre site at 830 Conchester Highway, across from Evergreen Drive. Concord’s Zoning Hearing Board granted a special exception for the detailing shop…

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CFTRA honors Sipala

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Helen Sipala, center, accepts the Citizen of the Year Award from the Chadds Ford Township Residents Association. She is flanked by CFRTA Treasurer Jody Allen, left, and President Susan Worteck, right.

Helen Sipala became the recipient of the Chadds Ford Township Residents Association Chadds Ford Citizen of the Year for 2024. CFTRA presented the award during a brief ceremony at the township building on the evening of Dec. 10. “Chadds Ford is truly an extraordinary place that forms an intersection of so many themes,” said CFTRA Treasurer Jody Allen, referring to the Battle of Brandywine and…

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From tax to registration fee

Chadds Ford Township supervisors Wednesday night voted to readvertise the township’s proposed 2025 budget. Township solicitor Mike Maddren said the readvertising is required because of a wording change. What had been a Business Privilege Tax is now a Business Registration Fee, but Maddren said it would still be $225 per year. According to the ordinance change, the term “business privilege tax” is a misnomer and…

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New budget for Kennett Twp.

In a 31-minute meeting Wednesday, the Kennett Township Supervisors approved the 2025 budget, adopted three revised resolutions for KACS, and authorized a pump station project and the sale of public works equipment. The supervisors unanimously approved the township’s 2025 budgets for the general, open space, sewer, liquid fuels, and capital funds. The general fund includes a 0.1 mill real estate tax increase, which is expected…

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Ridings residents seek help

An approved commercial development in Concord Township has, again, triggered concerns among some Chadds Ford Township residents. Those residents, mostly from the Ridings development, asked Chadds Ford supervisors Wednesday evening to take an active role in learning what will actually be happening at the intersection of Route 202 and Ridge Road. Specifically, they asked the supervisors to get updated information on traffic counts and stormwater…

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Concord OKs fire tax hike

Concord Township now has a budget for 2025 and, as expected, it includes a tax increase for fire protection and emergency medical services. “For the last six months, we’ve been in discussions with the Concordville Fire Co. They are no longer a volunteer fire company, it is a fully paid fire company, and their costs, like everyone else’s, are rising and they desperately need the…

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A clean audit for Kennett Twp.

Kennett Township received its first clean audit since a former township manager’s embezzlement of more than $3.2 million was discovered. “We have been on a multi-year journey to recover from the fraud for which Lisa Moore, former township manager, pled guilty to multiple felonies and served time in jail,” Kennett Township Treasurer and Finance Director Amy Heinrich wrote in a memo to the supervisors. “2023…

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Chadds Ford seeks gaming grant

Supervisors in Chadds Ford Township voted to apply for an LSA Grant for the Chadds Ford Historical Society. LSA — or Local Share Account — is "a program that distributes gaming revenues to support projects in the public interest in various Pennsylvania counties," according to the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development. Chadds Ford Township manager Lacey Faber said during the Nov. 20 board…

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Fire tax increase in Concord

Concord Township is getting ready for its vote on the 2025 budget and council members are talking a tax increases for fire protection. The proposed overall millage is up from 0.514 total for 2024 to 0.5773 for 2025. That change is based on an increase in the proposed fire protection tax from this year’s 0.044 mils to 0.1683 mils for next year. According to Concord’s…

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New playground at Anson B. Nixon Park

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State Sen. John Kane, D-9, takes a trip down one of the slides at the new playground at Anson Nixon Park.

Politicians and members of the Kennett Area Park Authority cut the ribbon for the opening of a new playground at Anson Nixon Park on Monday. According to one member of the KAPA board, the new playground expands the park’s reach. There are swings and a 30-foot-high platform with four sliding boards. The new playground is on the lower level of the park near the basketball…

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New building planned for Painters Crossing

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An architect’s rendering of the proposed new building in the southeast corner of Painters’ Crossing shopping center.

The Henderson Group wants to erect a new building at Painters Crossing shopping center. Henderson President and CEO Brian Coyle, along with attorney Marc D’Amico, and an engineer, took the idea to the Chadds Ford Planning Commission Wednesday night, but no decisions were made. According to D’Amico, the planned building would cover three pads at the southeast corner of the shopping center. Those pads had…

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