Concord dealing for goats

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Concord Township wants to "host" goats and use them for grounds maintenance. (Image courtesy of Concord Township and Jonathan Tropea.)

What do you do with 42 goats, three sheep, and a pony or two on a farm that’s been sold so a 100,000 square foot warehouse can be built? Why not make a deal with those good ole country boys in Concord Township? That’s what Jonathon Tropea and Concord are talking about. Tropea’s farm was along The Conchester Highway in Upper Chichester. Motorists would often…

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Cheyney Road closing for two days

According to an email from Concord Township, PennDOT has announced that Cheyney Road is scheduled to close between Route 1 and Samuel Hill Lane in Concord Township, on Wednesday, Jan. 5, and Thursday, Jan. 6 for pipe replacement. The closure is daytime only, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. During the closure, motorists will be directed to use southbound Route 1 and Concord Road. Local…

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Taxes steady in Concord

Concord Township has its budget for 2022, and there’s no tax increase. Council passed the budget during the Dec. 7 meeting. The budget is balanced, with anticipated revenues and expenditures at $3,999,150. Highlighting the revenue, $1.355 million comes from all taxes, with $662,490 from real estate taxes. Another $422,500 in revenue comes from business licenses and permits, while another $653,500 comes from building, electrical, plumbing,…

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Concord welcomes Santa

The siren blared, and the singers sang as Santa Claus arrived in Concord Township Friday night. Instead of a sleigh, Santa came on a fire truck from Concord Fire Co. and was greeted by a crowd, including the Garnet Valley High School choir. He then held court listening to Christmas wishes from kids in the township meeting room.    

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Concord Harvest Festival in photos

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Some Concord Township council members stand with kids who took prizes in the costume contest.

No one is certain how long Concord Township has been holding its annual Fall Festival. Dan Frattarelli, of the Park & Recreation Board who emceed the festival Saturday, said this year’s event was the 53rd festival. He also said that two years ago. But it doesn’t matter. The event is just for fun. The festival includes two costume contests — one for pets and the…

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Concord preserves 50 more acres

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Concord preserves 50 more acres.

Concord Township has secured another 50 acres of land for preservation. The township entered into an agreement with the Wilcox family to buy a conservation easement on the family’s property in the Ivy Mills Historic District. Council Co-Vice President John Crossan — who leads the township and sits on the Delaware County Green Space Task Force — said the property could have been developed into…

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Concord dedicates Chair of Honor

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Council Co-Vice President John Gillespie, left, and Ralph Galati unveil the Chair of Honor.

Concord Township Council held a ceremony dedicating a Chair of Honor for United States military personnel who went missing in action but who were never found. The ceremony, part of the Oct. 5 Council meeting, featured Wallingford resident Ralph W. Galati, Capt. USAF, a former fighter pilot. Galati was stationed in Thailand during the Vietnam War when his F 4 Phantom was shot down over…

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Concord moves on open space

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Concord Township is executing the agreement of sale to preserve e the Chetty property on Featherbed Lane.

Following last month's hearing, Concord Township Council took another step Tuesday night to acquire another 42 acres of open space. The seven-member council voted unanimously to authorize the township manager to execute the agreement of sale for the Chetty property at 668 Featherbed Lane. The land is adjacent to Bush Hill Farm and will be added to that site for township recreational use. Concord will…

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No traffic light for Schoolhouse Lane

Concord Township Council has a decision to make about what to do about Schoolhouse Lane. After multiple accidents at Schoolhouse and Baltimore Pike over the years, one being a fatal accident last year, council members had hoped for a traffic light, but that's not in the cards. At least not yet. During a special meeting on the subject Tuesday night, Council Vice-President John Gillespie said…

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Concord hears land acquisition

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The map shows the acquisition areas in green and blue at the bottom. The green area shows the 33.2 acres that will be eased, and the blue area is the 8.6 acres the township is buying.

Concord Township Council followed up its July announcement to acquire more open space along Featherbed Lane with a hearing on the matter Tuesday night. The acquisition is in two parts. Concord agreed to buy an 8-acre parcel of the Chetty property on Featherbed Lane to add to the township park at Bush Hill Farm. Second, the township would pay for an easement placed on the…

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Council recognizes volunteer efforts

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Concord Township Council thanks and recognizes members of Girl Scout Troop 5925 for the 14 birdhouses they built and installed in township parks.

In its first in-person meeting since March 2020, Concord Council recognized the efforts of several volunteer organizations. Council members gave formal recognition to Concordville Fire Co. and to members of Girl Scout Troop 5925. The Girl Scouts were recognized for building and then installing 14 birdhouses in township parks. In reading the resolution, Councilwoman Dana Rankin named 13 scouts, saying they all earned their Bronze…

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