PennDOT says it’s ready for winter’s wrath

Even if area motorists aren’t ready for snow, PennDOT says it is. “Our residents count on PennDOT to keep them moving regardless of the weather and we take that mission very seriously,” PennDOT Secretary Leslie S. Richards Richards said during a press conference this week at the PennDOT maintenance facility in Norristown. “We have our materials and equipment in place and our staff of dedicated…

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Time to reconsider teens’ school start time

Research and recommendations from the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Centers for Disease Control to start middle schools and high schools at 8:30 a.m. have prompted the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District to reconsider its schedule, which has teens beginning their school day at 7:35 a.m. An advisory committee of community stakeholders was formed to assess the benefits, obstacles and options…

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Nominees sought for Kitchen Table Award

The Chester County Fund for Women and Girls is now accepting nominations for its prestigious 2017 Kitchen Table Award. The fund established the Kitchen Table Award in 2011 to honor a Chester County woman who represents the mission and values of the fund. Its recipient is an “outstanding Chester County woman who has made substantive contributions through service and/or philanthropy to improve the lives of…

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PennDOT: Police to target aggressive drivers

In 2015, aggressive driving led to 1,833 crashes and 26 fatalities in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties, numbers that PennDOT wants to reduce. Toward that end, police departments representing 57 municipalities across southeast Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania State Police will conduct aggressive-driving enforcement activities as part of a statewide mobilization that runs through Nov. 22, said a PennDOT press release. Police will be targeting motorists who…

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Cookies offer taste of reciprocal gratitude

The Chester County Sheriff’s Office recently welcomed a special cookie delivery with a reaction that proved this was no half-baked offering. Lauren Bolt, executive pastry chef at Jenner’s Pond Retirement Community, made the delicious drop-off as part of the nationwide “Cookies for a Cop” program. The purpose of the program is to ensure that those in law enforcement know that their service is appreciated and…

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‘Dining in Dark’ to shed light on blindness

For the second year in a row, the Chester County Intermediate Unit is about to turn off the lights to shed light on visual impairments. On Nov. 14, the CCIU, partnering with Applebee’s Grill in Thorndale, will host the second annual Dining in the Dark dinner experience for Chester County students and their families who receive vision support services through the CCIU. Dining in the…

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Initiative aims to raise awareness of homeless

Despite pervasive affluence, more than a thousand people in Chester County sought emergency shelter last year, and more than half of them, including families with children, had to be turned away. Such somber statistics formed the basis for an activity that will mark the local observance of National Hunger and Awareness Week, which runs from Nov. 13 to Nov. 19. Decade to Doorways, the county’s…

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Feds announce efforts to thwart election fraud

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Philadelphia has announced steps designed to safeguard voters’ rights on Election Day, Nov. 8. U.S. Attorney Zane David Memeger has assigned Assistant U.S. Attorney Tomika N.S. Patterson to lead the efforts of the office in connection with the Justice Department’s nationwide Election Day Program. Patterson will serve as the district election officer for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and in…

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Speed limit changes in Chadds Ford

Speed limits are being lowered on five state roadways in Chadds Ford Township. The speed limit on Harvey Road is dropping drop from 35 to 25 mph; limits on Webb, Ring and Ridge roads will be lowered from 40 to 35 mph; and the limit on Smithbridge Road will drop from 45 to 40 mph. Township Manager Amanda Serock made the announcement during the Oct. 26…

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Chesco residents’ tax break poised to end

After a four-year respite, Chester County taxpayers will see their county taxes increase if a preliminary budget remains unchanged. At the Chester County Board of Commissioners’ meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 26, the commissioners reviewed figures that showed that the owner of a $166,630 home — the median assessed value in the county — would pay a projected bill of $728.01, a hike of $34.33. That…

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Supervisors vote on loop road

With a unanimous vote by Chadds Ford Township supervisors, the fourth and final segment of the loop road system around the intersection of Routes 1 and 202 is on its way to becoming a reality. Supervisors voted 3-0 during their Oct. 26 workshop to grant preliminary approval for the Hillman Drive extension. The applicant — The Henderson Group — must still go through the process…

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