The 240th Anniversary of the Battle of the Brandywine

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Revolutionary war re-enactment

Most of the horse trails are now overgrown with trees and brush or converted into paved macadam roadways. Many of the fields where men lay wounded have been replaced with houses, businesses and small farms. Yet the story of America’s struggle for independence endures around Chester County and some of its silent witnesses remain today. In the Fall of 1777, George Washington and his Continental…

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Rt. 926 Bridge opens ahead of schedule

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State Reps. Stehen Barrar and Carolyn Comitta, and County Commissioner Michelle Kickline applaud PennDOT and the entire team who worked on the bridge project.

A contract laden with incentives for on-time completion and disincentives for delays worked. The Route 926 Bridge over the Brandywine Creek opened not just on time, but a week early. PennDOT and local officials held a ribbon cutting ceremony this morning to officially re-open the bridge, though it's not open to regular traffic until sometime later this afternoon. For John Sanville and Marie Wickersham, the…

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Mosquito spraying set for Birmingham

The Chester County Health Department will conduct a mosquito control treatment spray in portions of Birmingham and Thornbury townships. The treatment is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 10 from 7:45 to 11 p.m. The rain date for this event is Tuesday, Aug. 15. The Chester County Health Department conducts mosquito control treatment in areas with high levels of mosquito activity and where multiple mosquito samples have tested positive for…

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Birmingham considers new zoning

Birmingham Township supervisors are considering the possible creation of a new zoning district, the ASA — the Agriculture Security Area. Township resident William Rappolt formally introduced the idea to the supervisors during their Aug. 7 meeting. He told them that it was Chester County who broached the subject with him. According to Rappolt, property owners in an ASA would be compensated by the state and…

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Phase two Strode’s Barn preservation complete

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The Strode’s Mill Barn following July 2017 select demolition. Photo courtesy of Timlyn Vaughan Photography

East Bradford Township, with support from the Friends of Strode’s Mill, has recently completed the second phase of a multi-year effort to preserve and restore the historic Strode’s Barn, a contributing resource to the Strode’s Mill National Register Listed Historic District, located at the intersection of Lenape and Birmingham Roads, along the Brandywine Valley Scenic Byway, in East Bradford Township, Chester County. The structure was…

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School board sets budget, taxes up

Unionville-Chadds Ford School Board directors approved the district's 2017-2018 budget during their June 19 meeting. The budget does include a tax increase for property owners. Appropriations for the next academic year are $84.9 million with real estate taxes for property owners in the Chester County portion of the district levied at 28.42 mills. Property taxes in Chadds Ford, the only Delaware County Township in the…

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School board to vote on budget

It’s down to the wire for Unionville-Chadds Ford School Board Directors to decide on a budget for the next school year. A vote on the spending plan is set for next week. The board set the budget to be considered during its June 12 work session. Under the proposed budget, expected revenue is $84,918,161, while anticipated expenditures total $84,932,572. Real estate taxes for Chester County…

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Hero Fund poised for changing of guard

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Chester County Sheriff Carolyn “Bunny” Welsh poses with John “J.D.” DiBuonaventuro and his K-9 partner, Leo

On Aug. 5, 2010, James “Jay” Raffetto, a young Navy Corpsman from Chester County, experienced the unfathomable while serving in Afghanistan: A blast from an improvised explosive device destroyed both of his legs above the knee, his left arm above the elbow, and three fingers on his right hand. Today, after countless surgeries and intensive rehabilitation, the 2000 Conestoga High graduate is enjoying a job with…

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$90 million revitalized garden to open

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Renovated fountains at Longwood Gardens Photo by Daniel Traub

Longwood Gardens announced its Main Fountain Garden will make its grand return on May 27, following a two-year, $90 million revitalization. The crown jewel of the most significant fountain collection in North America, Longwood’s Main Fountain Garden rivals the magnificent fountains of Europe with its beauty and ingenious application of leading-edge technologies and design. The Garden will premiere with a Summer of Spectacle from May…

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No surprises, few voters in primary

There were few contested races in Tuesday's primary and in some cases, fewer voters. Chester County Voters' Services reported a total turnout of 14 percent of voters. There was no such reporting on Delaware County's website. The one contested race in the area was for district judge in District 15-3-04 out of Kennett Square. There were five candidates running and all five cross-filed to run…

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Fighting gerrymandering in Pennsylvania

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A depiction of how districts may be unfairly drawn.

A group fighting gerrymandering in Pennsylvania has found some champions in Harrisburg. The group is Fair Districts PA, and one of the champions is state Rep. Eric Roe, R-158, of East Marlborough. Roe addressed a Fair Districts PA meeting at Unionville High School Thursday night. He spoke about HB 722, a bill he introduced with state Rep. Steve Samuelson, a Democrat from Northampton County whose…

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