Birmingham updates zoning code

Birmingham Township now has an updated zoning code regarding impervious coverage. Township supervisors Monday night adopted a change that Supervisors’ Chairman Scott Boorse said makes the code consistent throughout the township. The amended code focuses on the amount of allowable impervious coverage, primarily on residential zoning districts. The amendment allows for 20 percent impervious coverage in all residential districts and makes some definition changes for…

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Birmingham awards bids

Birmingham Township supervisors Monday night awarded bids for the 2025 Road Program and for mowing several township-owned properties. They also set a date for a long-awaited hearing to amend the zoning code. The road program went to AF Damon Co. for $182,147. Damon’s was the lowest of 11 bids received, according to Supervisors’ Chairman Scott Boorse. Damon’s bid was lower than the $340,000 that the…

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Top cop honored; taxes raised

Read more about the article Top cop honored; taxes raised
Birmingham Township Police Chief Tom Nelling, left, accepts a plaque in his honor from Supervisors’ Chairman Scott Boorse.

Birmingham Township supervisors Monday night honored Police Chief Tom Nelling and voted to advertise the 2025 budget. That budget does contain a tax increase. Supervisors also plan to have a hearing for a zoning amendment, though the date for that is uncertain. Nellng has been involved with the township in multiple capacities since he moved into Birmingham in 1984 and has been the police chief…

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Birmingham updates pollution plans

A public comment period is now open for Birmingham Township residents to express their opinions on the township’s revised Pollution Reduction Plan. The plan is part of the township’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or MS4. Supervisors approved advertising the plan as required by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. The revisions involve the West Branch of Chester Creek and the Christina River Basin. The…

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Changes planned for Dilworthtown complex

Birmingham Township supervisors Monday night took action on two land-use applications Monday night. One of the properties in question borders Chadds Ford Township on Webb Road and the other involves the Dilworthtown Inn complex. Painter House Suites wants to turn a former house, owned by the late Jim Barnes into a restaurant. Barnes was the owner of the Dilworthtown Inn, the Inn Keepers Kitchen, and…

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Birmingham in brief

Birmingham Township supervisors made short work of a light agenda Monday night. The board voted to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with West Goshen Township for shared police software. Solicitor Kristin Camp said the software will allow for the various police agencies to share reports more readily. Supervisors also awarded a contract of more than $391,000 to Innovative Construction Services of Folcroft for the 2024…

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Taxes steady in Birmingham

Birmingham Township supervisors passed the 2024 budget Monday night and local property tax rates will remain at 1.6 mils. That millage rate has held steady since 2010. (A mil is a tax of $1 for every $1,000 of assessed property value.) Anticipated revenues for 2024 are $2.8 million, which includes a carryover of $1.48 million. Expenses for next year are expected to be $2.4 million.…

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Birmingham in brief

It was a quick meeting in Birmingham Township Monday night with only a few voting items. Supervisors awarded the snow removal contract to Page Excavation, the lowest of two bidders according to Police Chief and Roadmaster Tom Nelling. There was no specific fee for service, but there was a line of 14 items of varying amounts depending on what equipment would be needed. The two…

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Radley Run gets fireworks OK

There’s going to be at least one more fireworks display before summer ends next month. Birmingham Township Supervisors Monday night approved a fireworks display for Radley Run Country Club. According to Police Chief Tom Nelling, the show is scheduled for 8:50 p.m. on Sept. 2 and is expected to last about 30 minutes. Nelling added that he and firefighting equipment would be on hand in…

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Birmingham updated on development

Birmingham Township supervisors Monday night received an update on a proposed multiuse development for a property at Route 202 and Penn Oaks Drive, but it may take a few more months before supervisors give their approval. Attorney Alyson Zarro said her client, Allied Properties, wants to build a three-story, 31,300-square-foot building on the 2.9-acre site. She added that the Planning Commission has already granted its…

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Birmingham considers zoning code changes

Birmingham Township supervisors continue their work on amending a portion of the township’s zoning code dealing with historic preservation. Supervisors’ Vice Chairman Mike Shiring said the Board of Supervisors, the Historical Commission, and the township solicitor have been working on it since last June and there’s still more to do. Shiring, who presided over the meeting for Chairman Scott Boorse who was out ill, said…

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