How to talk to kids about tragic events

In today’s world, tragedy is hard to escape. We are constantly exposed to media coverage of the latest terrorist attack, mass shooting, or bombing. And though we try our best to protect them, our children are, too. Deciding if, how, and when to talk to children about tragic events is a dilemma that many parents face. It may seem like the best option is to…

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How to beat the heat

For many people, the summer months are a source of happiness. It’s always fun to join your family for a picnic, enjoy a walk through the neighborhood or spend an evening sitting on your front porch. However, as the temperature climbs, so does the risk of heat-related illnesses and injuries – especially for children, seniors and those with chronic health problems. Heat-Related Illnesses "Heat exhaustion…

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‘Texting thumb’ is modern-day malady

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Texting Thumb

It’s a common, modern-day malady. “Texting thumb” or “mommy thumb” happens when you put stress on your wrist or hand repeatedly and chronically, which can lead to pain and tenderness in the tendons at the base of the thumb and into the wrist. The medical community calls it DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis. If you have it, it can make it difficult to complete everyday tasks. You will…

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Coconut oil is not a super-food

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Coconut oil is loaded with saturated fat.

The media and pop culture will frequently glorify a “super-food” for its supposed health benefits, power to heal or ability to reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases. In some cases, as with blueberries and their antioxidant properties or green veggies and their heart health benefits, the claims are accurate. But in other cases, the super power of the superfood in question is too…

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Stomach cancer linked to alcohol and processed meats

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A new study shows consuming alcohol and processed meats may put you at a greater risk of developing stomach cancer.

Sometimes it seems like everything that tastes good is bad for your health. When it comes to consuming alcohol and processed meats, that may be true. A new study shows eating foods like hot dogs, lunch meats and other processed meats put you at a greater risk of developing stomach cancer. Unfortunately, washing down your meal with a beer or other alcoholic drink also makes…

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Teens, Instagram and mental health

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Teens love Instagram, but is it good for their mental health?

While you may have never even seen the app, virtually every teen you know is on Instagram. According to The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 76 percent of teens aged 13-17 have an account. Since its release in 2010, the photo-sharing social media platform has garnered over 700 million total users and has become more popular among teens than Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat.…

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Drinking too much?

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Nearly 20,000 people die from alcohol-induced liver disease (ALD) every year in the U.S.

At nearly every doctor’s appointment, you’ll be asked how much alcohol you drink. Before you automatically answer, “I drink socially” so your doctor moves on to the next question, take a moment to really think about your drinking habits. It’s easy to underestimate how much you drink when you’re out with friends, or how frequently you drink if you regularly have beer or wine with…

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Swim lessons after autism diagnosis

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Private, semi-private or small group swim lessons recommend after diagnosis of autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Swim Lessons Are Important for Safety and Survival Of all the challenges parents of a child with autism face, making sure they’re safe around the water is probably not top of mind. However, it should be. A new study reveals that children with autism are at a much higher risk for drowning than other children. Researchers from the University of Columbia’s Mailman…

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Heartburn vs. Acid Reflux vs. GERD

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If acid reflux, and the heartburn it causes, becomes chronic, it can progress to GERD.

What’s the Difference? Heartburn is very common, affecting more than 60 million Americans at least once a month. Acid reflux and GERD are related to heartburn but each means something a little different. While none of the conditions are life-threatening, they can lead to medical complications and more severe diseases if they’re not treated. Acid Reflux: A Very Common Problem Acid reflux happens when your…

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