Police Log Jan. 15: Missing person, assault, thefts

Pennsylvania State Police Media Barracks • State police are investigating a report of a missing person. According to police, the father of a 30-year-old woman from Aston said his daughter, Casey Glatts, was missing and, he felt, was in danger. The incident was reported on Jan. 10. It was not mentioned where she was last seen. She was entered as missing in NCIC — National…

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Letter: Stop the train

Stop the train! Unionville-Chadds Ford School District continues its headlong rush to approve a $120 million outlay for a new middle school next month, despite a financial analysis that remains deficient. Chadds Ford Live did an excellent job of reporting the concerns I expressed about the district’s faulty numbers at the Jan. 6 school board meeting. Some progress has been made in addressing them, but…

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Letter: Fair to question Sanville

School Superintendent John Sanville wants taxpayers to foot the bill for a new, $120 million middle school. District residents, with decades of experience in finance, have questioned whether the financial analysis underlying Sanville’s recommendation is “incomplete and misleading.” Based on my experience, as a lawyer with more than 20 years of experience and a parent who has been engaged in a multi-year battle with the…

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Adopt-a-Pet Jan. 13

The following animals are ready to be adopted from the Brandywine Valley SPCA in West Chester. Julius Meet Julius. This medium size 5-year-old boy is looking for the perfect fit for the New Year. He is a shy dog who will take his time to get to know you. He is dog-friendly too. Please come meet this handsome dog today. You can name your adoption…

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Road Report Jan. 13 to Jan. 17

PennDOT has announced the following weather-dependent road projects that could affect drivers in the greater Chadds Ford area from Jan. 13 to Jan. 17. Motorists are urged to allow extra time traveling through one of the construction zones. Work schedules are subject to change. • Now through early November, motorists should expect daytime lane closures in both directions on Route 1 between the Kennett Oxford…

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Academic Achievement Jan. 10

• Julia Boettler of Chadds Ford was named to the dean's list at Slippery Rock University for the Fall 2024 semester. The dean's list consists of SRU undergraduate students who earned an adjusted semester grade-point average of 3.5 or higher, based on a schedule of at least 12 newly attempted and earned credits. • Hana Hebert of Chadds Ford made the York College of Pennsylvania…

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Around Town Jan. 9

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Keeping houseplants happy.

• For those who have ever dreamed of cultivating their own indoor jungle, Longwood Garden at the Creamery might help with Plantology on Tap: Keeping Your Houseplants Happy. Learn the basics of indoor gardening, how to make your home a better environment for houseplants, and how to help your houseplants thrive with proper lighting, watering, and repotting. The event will be held on Thursday, Jan.…

Read MoreAround Town Jan. 9

Police Log Jan. 8: DUIs, thefts

Pennsylvania State Police Media Barracks • Police said they arrested Gabriel Jackson, 22, of Wake Forest, N.C., in Birmingham Township on Dec. 31 at 11:26 p.m. The report said police made a traffic stop just north of Dilworthtown Road after observing traffic violations. Investigation led to police determining that Jackson was driving under the influence and was in possession of marijuana • California Tortilla on…

Read MorePolice Log Jan. 8: DUIs, thefts

Adopt-a-Pet Jan 6

The following animals are ready to be adopted from the Brandywine Valley SPCA in West Chester. Reno This handsome guy is Reno, an 11-year-young guy, petite and sweet, who is looking for a fresh start in a loving and caring home. He is an affectionate guy who would love to be your sidekick for life. Stop by our West Chester campus to meet this adorable…

Read MoreAdopt-a-Pet Jan 6

Winter weather closings

UPDATE BELOW Unionville-Chadds Ford School District and Kennett Consolidated School District have canceled classes for Monday, Jan. 6 because of the impending storm. West Chester Borough has also decided to keep its offices closed for the day on Monday. Chadds Ford Live will continue to monitor closings. UPDATE Chester and Delaware County government offices and courts are also closed Monday, Jan. 6. Kennett Square has…

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Prepping for winter storm

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Drive safely. (PennDOT image)

AccuWeather is forecasting a winter storm watch from 1 a.m. Monday, Jan. 6 to 1 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 7. An estimated 3-6 inches of snow is predicted for the greater Chadds Ford to Kennett Square area with temperatures hovering around the freezing point. The National Weather Service out of Mt. Holly, N.J. is also calling for a winter storm watch and is reporting pretty much…

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