The 11th Annual Chester
County 4-H Dairy Weekend was held, May 28-29, 2011 at the Chester County 4-H
Center in Honey Brook. Forty-eight 4-H members participated in workshops
that included, dairy judging, clipping, showmanship, cow body parts, and
parliamentary procedures. Participants played dairy jeopardy,
PictionDairy, learned what is needed in a show box and feed identification. The
weekend also included a relay race and ice cream social for the members on Saturday,
and a family picnic on Sunday. Everyone had a lot of fun. As part
of the weekend the members competed in judging, and clipping as well as taking
written tests. ALL the 4-Hers did a great job.
Special recognition goes to Kyle
Sollenberger of East Vincent, senior winner; Jesse Miller of West Vincent,
second in the senior division and Andrew Laffey, Jr of Cochranville was third.
Chad Peifer who won best Top-Line. Kaila Stoltzfus of East Earl was
junior winner; Jessica Huff of Nottinghan was the second place junior and
Natalie Mills, of Pocopson was third. In the novice division Emily Rader
of Honey Brook and Colton Nolan of Honey Brook tied for first place, Maria
Stoltzfus of Atglen was third.
