Pennsbury Township Supervisors Wendell Fenton, Scotty Scottoline and Aaron McIntyre and township solicitor Tom Oeste discussed various aspects of the litigation settlement plan with township residents at the regularly scheduled March 23rd Supervisors meeting. After a lengthy discussion period, the supervisors agreed to continue discussion with township residents and interested parties on March 29. Tom Oeste reviewed the “settlement plan” and the supervisors addressed many concerns regarding proposed residential density, sewage issues, road infrastructure and the impact on an existing historic property which is located on a parcel of land owned by the Pennsbury Village developer. Development of two parcels of land located on both sides of the Pennsbury Township Building and a third parcel located across Hickory Hill Rd. from the proposed Pennsbury Village have generated great concern to many Pennsbury Township Residents for several years. Township Supervisor Aaron McIntyre said there have been approximately nine separate lawsuits spawned by proposed development of these land parcels.
The current “settlement plan” eliminates a proposed connector access road which would have been built immediately in front of the Pennsbury Township building, elimination of a storm water basin to be built in front of the proposed access road and includes several changes to the types of residential units to be built. The proposed settlement plan has a total 111 residential townhouses on the two parcels adjacent to the Pennsbury Township building and 8 residential units on the 4 acre Hickory Hill Rd parcel.
Township solicitor Tom Oeste said there was “give and take” by the Township supervisors and the developer to arrive at the proposed settlement plan, which if approved by the Pennsbury Township supervisors, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) would then have to review and approve a 537 plan. Additional information regardingPennsburyVillage development is on thePennsburyTownship website. However, the proposed settlement plan and large scale drawings will not be posted to the website as there is remaining discussion on the proposed settlement plan which will continue at theMarch 29, 20115:00 PM information work session. Tom Oeste said settlement of litigation is not subject toPennsylvania “sunshine law” provisions.
OtherPennsburyTownship news from the March 23rd Supervisors Meeting included the approval of two ordinances which had also been discussed at the February 2011 Supervisors Meeting. One ordinance updates thePennsburyTownship property maintenance code. The second ordinance governs abandoned vehicles. These two ordinance changes are posted on thePennsburyTownship webpage.
Pennsbury Township Supervisors also approved the final plan for thePennsVillage development project with 25 specified conditions. ThePennsVillage project will be subject to Pennsylvania DEP 537 plan review.
Pennsbury Township Manager Kathleen Howley said the Township newsletter had been mailed to Pennsbury residents. The newsletter reports some of the 2010U.S. census data forPennsburyTownship. AdditionalU.S. 2010PennsburyTownship census report data is available at the Pennsbury Township Manager’s office. She said the 2010U.S. census reported 3,686 township residents which is an increase of 186 persons from the 2000U.S. census which then reported 3,500 township residents. The township newsletter also provides details for theApril 30, 2011 “Yard Sale” which will be held atPennsburyTownshipBuilding onSaturday, April 30, 2011 (9am -2pm). Rain date for the yard sale is Saturday May 7.

About Jim Phreaner
After 41 years of auditing large NYSE global corporations, former IRS Agent Jim Phreaner was looking for a project in retirement with fewer regulations and more people. He joined the staff at Chadds Ford Live more than a year ago. James Edward “Jim” Phreaner, 64, died suddenly in his Birmingham Township home on Dec.17, 2012. Jim was a devoted husband, son, father, friend, and neighbor.