• The Chadds Ford
Township Lyme Task Force is beginning a full implementation of its program.
Part of this implementation is a survey to determine Lyme history, landowner
willingness to allow hunting on their property and residents who are interested
in hunting, etc. An Internet embedded form can be found at https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dGR5SlZodGtybzhUUnVqcV9YbDRQRnc6MQ#gid=0
• Jeweler Dan Doubet
will host a Valentine’s Day breakfast a day early at his Olde Ridge Village
store in Chadds Ford Township. The breakfast runs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on
Sunday, Feb 13. Pastries, bagels, mimosas, Bloody Marys and coffee will be served.
• The Unionville High School
Music Department presents a winter pops concert, an evening of music from
movies, TV, classics and pop music to help warm-up from the winter blues. The
evening features the UHS Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Orchestra, Jazz Band and
Chorale on Thursday Feb. 17, 7:30 p.m. in the UHS auditorium. Admission is
• The Concord Township
Planning Commission meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 22 is cancelled,
according to an e-mail from Township Manager Robert Willert. The next
meeting will be Monday, March 21.
• PennDOT is offering
a new course for riders of three-wheeled motorcycles. Although Pennsylvania is
still within winter’s grip, now is the time for motorcyclists to plan to
enhance their driving skills through the 2011 Pennsylvania Motorcycle Safety
Program, said a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation press release. The
program offers courses for new and experienced riders at approximately 70
locations across the state. Courses are offered March through October. A full
schedule is available online at www.pamsp.com.
• The John Chads House will be
open Monday, Feb. 21, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in honor of Presidents’ Day.
Costumed guides will lead tours and tell the history of the little stone
mansion that survived the Battle of Brandywine. There will be bread baking in
the beehive oven in the cellar kitchen and visitors can walk along the scenic
one-mile River Trail from the Chads House to the Brandywine River Museum. The
John Chads House is one of the Delaware County Historical Society’s Passport to
History sites. Admission to the John Chads House is $5 for adults; members of
the Chadds Ford Historical Society and children 12 and under are free. For
information, call 610-388-7376 or visit http://www.chaddsfordhistory.org/www.chaddsfordhistory.org.
• Prom season is just around
the corner and The Growing Tree, 114 State Street, Kennett Square, is in high
gear getting set for its second annual Prom Dress Consignment Sale. It’s a
win-win-win situation for all.
Win #1: Young ladies looking for high-fashion prom attire can find it at a
reasonable price with most dresses in the $40 to $70 range.
Win #2: Consignees can earn some extra spending money (and make room in their
closets for new fabulous clothing) by selling their gently used prom attire.
Win #3: A portion of the proceeds will be donated to area Kennett, Unionville,
and Avon Grove After-Prom events. Consignees may choose which school to donate
a portion of the sale to if their dress is sold.
Those interested in selling prom dresses must bring them to The Growing Tree no
later than April 15. Getting prom attire to The Growing Tree prior to the March
4 kick-off event will give garments the most opportunity to be seen by
shoppers. Appointments are suggested; call 610-444-8484 for details.
