February vote planned on future of CF Patton

The Unionville-Chadds Ford School Board is scheduled to vote in February on what to do about C.F. Patton Middle School. As reported in May, Superintendent of Schools John Sanville considers Patton “a chronic concern.”

During the Aug. 12 work session, Sanville presented the options for the vote and a planned timeline for discussions leading to that February vote. He said he wanted the board and the residents to know the three options on the vote: keep C.F. Patton as is, with upkeep happening through the Long Range Facilities Plan with no major renovations or additions, or to make major renovations, or to build a new school.

“You’ll vote to either maintain, renovate, or replace. Those are the three options and that will take place in February. [There’s] a lot of work between now and February,” he said.

Sanville then reviewed the timeline leading up to the vote, a timeline that will include feedback from district residents. He highlighted five discussion dates.

On Sept. 3 there will be a virtual Q&A, a virtual town hall during which Sanville will give a presentation and then allow residents to ask questions. He said that session would be similar to the ones leading up to the Health and Safety Plan.

“That’s the kickoff for our community-wide work,” he said.

At the end of September, there will be a meeting with middle school staff.

A planned in-person community meeting is scheduled for Oct. 9, when community members can tour the school.

There will be a second community meeting on Dec. 9 that will “provide additional information that we’ve developed over time and consider input from the community.” That meeting will also include findings from the architects.

“On Jan. 6, there will be a special board meeting…where we will discuss what the recommendation is to the board,” Sanville said. “We’ll take input from the community at that time, input from board members. That will be a board meeting-style situation. Then on the 18th of February, there will be a board vote on the recommendation.””

As he did during the May meeting, Sanville stressed that no decision has yet been made. He also said there would be an update during each board meeting.

Under questioning from Director Brian Schartz of Chadds Ford Township, Sanville said a decision could come later than February if extra time was needed. He continued saying that if there’s a decision to renovate or replace, the earliest the district could borrow the money for the project would be in 2026 because there are still outstanding bonds to be called that year.

If there is a vote for a new school, he said, “If everything breaks right, you could look at a 2029-30 opening of a new middle school, but it’s way, way too early to start thinking that way."

About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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