Chadds Ford Township supervisors agreed to learn what’s
involved in a USDA survey that could lead to a large-scale deer hunt. The hunt
is designed to reduce the incidents of Lyme disease.
Supervisors discussed the option during a Jan. 25 workshop,
but agreed during the Feb. 1 regular meeting to talk with people at the United
States Department of Agriculture to see what’s involved in an $8,000 study that
would determine whether the township is eligible for the hunt.
The move is a follow up to a Civic Association study that
recommended the hunt. That study itself came at the request of the supervisors
who wanted to know how prevalent Lyme is in the township.
According to Peter Jesson, who led the study, Lyme is
“epidemic “in Chadds Ford. He gave a full report to the supervisors during the
Jan. 6 meeting.
If the township qualifies for the program, sharpshooters
with noise suppression and night vision equipment would bait large open spaces
and cull the deer herd at night.
At the request of Supervisor Garry Paul, supervisors will
first talk with the USDA to see what’s involved in the program before
committing the $8,000 for a study that would determine whether the township
qualifies for the hunt.
<B>Other business<B>
Supervisors voted 3-0 during the Feb. 1 meeting to extend
the temporary sign ordinance that went into effect in early 2009. Supervisors’
Chairman Deborah F. Love said, however, that business owners must still follow
the rules for the extra signage and pay the appropriate fees. Business owners
with questions should call the township building.
• The township will hold a recycling day on Saturday,
April 17 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the township building. Accepted for the
program will be paper for shredding, electronics and appliances, residential
propane tanks up to 20 pounds, clothing, household items and furniture.
Donations will go to Goodwill.
Items that can’t be accepted include mattresses and box
springs, tires, firearms, paint and flammable material, dangerous materials and
Anyone with questions should call Christine at the township
building, 610-388-8800.
• Supervisors made two new appointments during the Feb. 1
meeting. Planning Commission member Mike Ashmore was appointed commission member
to the Historical and Architectural Review Board. They also appointed Joe
Barakat, the township manager, roadmaster and emergency management coordinator,
to be the deputy zoning and code enforcement officer.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.