An award for Concord

Concord Township won a Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society award for Excellence in Recreation and Parks for its Race for the Watershed event held last summer.

Steve Jacobs, Concord’s Parks and Recreation director, said the event, which included a rubber duck race, raised $10,000 for the Newlin Grist Mill for water monitoring equipment.

“[the PRPS] looks for outstanding programming and special events…We submitted [the Race for the Watershed] as an outstanding event and it won the award for the Best in Program,” Jacobs said. He added they will have the event again this coming June 15.

Jacobs will be accepting the award on behalf of the township at the PRPS conference next week.

Other business

Council members unanimously approved the final land development plan for Extra Space Storage on the southeast corner of Route 202 and Naamans Creek Road. The applicant will be building an approximately 36,000-square-foot additional storage on the Naamans Creek Road side of the property.

According to township engineer Nate Cline, the entire perimeter of the property will have sidewalks, which will expand the pedestrian network in that area.

Council approved the project with a total of 16 conditions. Most regard compliance with professional consultant comments and zoning hearing board conditions, including getting additional special exception approval from the Zoning Hearing Board regarding proposed parking spaces in the front yard setback.

The applicant must also pay a $13,374 contribution to the Municipal Stormwater Control and BMP Operation and Maintenance Fund. There is also a requirement for a fee-in-lieu payment for open space for $12,650.

Conditions also require the applicant to go through land development procedures before putting up any future buildings or making any other expansions.

Cline also told council members that the Smithbridge Road bridge repair is tentatively scheduled to reopen in late April and that he’ll have an update on that during the Concord Township’s April meeting.

Cline continued, saying the township has received many complaints about speeding on Cheyney Road. To combat that, he said the township will be working with. PennDOT to increase the size of stop signs, install additional striping and reflectors, as well as advance warning signs for the school bus stops.

About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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