• The Chester County History Center is offering a virtual session, From Whence We Came: Finding black ancestors in the historical record on Wednesday, June 14 from 7-8 p.m. African American Genealogy is particularly challenging for numerous reasons, and many believe that their ancestors' stories are entirely lost to time. However, this isn't necessarily the case if you know where to look. In this course, learn how to trace your ancestry and overcome the unique hurdles that Black history presents. Speaker Kimberly F.B. Bucklaw is a historian, educator, and professional genealogist. Kim has a master’s degree in history from Temple University with a concentration in public history and archival studies. This is a pay-as-you-wish event. Register here.
• Concord Township’s next movie in the park is “Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile.” The film is rated PG and begins at dusk on Friday, June 9 in the township park.

• Learn about the German food heritage of early Pennsylvania with upcoming programs at Newlin Grist Mill. On Saturday, June 10, the site will host a lecture by culinary historian William Woys Weaver, along with a cooking demonstration by foodways historian Clarissa Dillon. The cost for Weaver’s talk is $5 for Newlin Grist Mill members and $10 for non-members. Pre-registration is suggested. To register for the lecture or for more information, call the site at 610-459-2359. Information about other upcoming Newlin Series talks and History at Work demonstrations can be found at https://newlingristmill.org/programs.

• Experimental folk-rock duo Watchhouse performs at Longwood Gardens at 7:30 p.m. on June 7. Go here for tickets.
• The Rotary Club of Kennett Square will hold its signature fundraiser “Kennett on Top” on Saturday, June 17 from 5 to 9 p.m. It’s going to be held on top of the parking garage in downtown Kennett Square. Wear your best dressy casual, and enjoy great food, fabulous wine, beer, and a signature cocktail. Dance to the popular 2uesday Nite Band while soaking in the ambiance of vibrant Kennett Square. Tickets are $100 per person and can be purchased at www.kennettsquarerotary.org.
