Delaware County Council issued two press releases Thursday, one announcing the resumption of in-person council meetings and the other reminding bars and restaurants that patrons must wear masks and abide by social distancing requirements.
The reminder to bars and restaurants cites the increase in COVID-19 cases in young people who socialize in those establishments. It reads in part, “…compliance of the state’s public health order is mandatory. Law Enforcement is inspecting establishments with liquor licenses and a hotline and website have been set up to allow people to report non-compliant businesses. Businesses who fail to comply may face a citation, fine and/or a suspension of their license.”
It went on to say there have been “numerous complaints” in the county of bars being overcrowded, with people too close to one another and not wearing masks.
In the second release, Council announced that its in-person meetings would resume on July 14. There will be an agenda meeting at 10 a.m. on the 14th and the regular public meeting will be at 6 p.m. on July 15.
Residents who wish to attend will be screened before entering and are required to wear masks. Seating will be set up so that everyone is six feet apart.
Meetings will continue to be live-streamed at
