Chadds Ford Township supervisors Wednesday night granted conditional use approval for relief from building in a steep slope. The approval is for the Tulloch property at 101 Bullock Road. The driveway needs to be repaired but is in a steep slope area.
Supervisors granted approval last September but the work wasn’t done by the specified deadline of May 31 this year. The board held another conditional use hearing earlier this month but held off making a decision until July 24.
Supervisors voted 2-0 to grant the approval citing conditions made during the original approval last year. However, there is a new deadline of July 24 of 2020. If another extension is needed, it may be applied for before the deadline and supervisors may grant another extension by resolution.
The Tullochs, now living out of state, are trying to sell the home but the condition of the driveway and the high cost of repair — about $90,000 — has been a stumbling block for prospective buyers. A real estate agent testified during the hearing in early July that she had shown the property 150 times since January with no offers made. The Tulloch’s can’t afford the cost either.
Supervisor Noelle Barbone was absent from the meeting.
Other business
• Supervisors will hold only one meeting in August, that on Aug. 14 at 5:30 p.m. The Aug. 7 and Aug. 28 meetings were canceled.
• The Planning Commission will also hold a meeting on Aug. 14 in he township building at 7 p.m. An update on the proposed Brandywine Summit hotel is expected to be on the agenda.
• Chadds Ford Township is planning to have a monthly plein air painting event at Painters Folly. The first one was set for July 25.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.
From Chadds Ford Neighbors Against More Traffic
In reference to the upcoming Planning Commission meeting in August discussing yet another repeated attempt for developers hotel approval, I want to know if the local business owners and practitioners of the Speakman House and Brandywine Summit have been consulted as to their opinion of how this shared entrance with a conditional use business may affect their businesses. Is the plan a shared driveway or road with incoming and outgoing guests and service providers of the hotel? Will there be a traffic light installed here for the increase of traffic? Will there be a light also placed by the intersection of the Pescatore Restaurant and shopping Center? Has anyone discussed the impact on these local businesses who have kept these buildings occupied for years? Additionally, I ask the Planning Commission to take into consideration the effect on the Summit Lane community members and how they are going to deal with many of the changes from this four story structure with towering windows, delivery trucks, late night guests outside and windows peering down on their yards and homes. Additionally, as a point of community awareness, do we have supporting data that local hotel demands are not already being met, supporting data that CFT Planning Commission is aware of the almost completed Carlino Project Brandywine Mills hotel on the Weggmans Road that looks to be completed shortly. Thank you for taking the concerns and needs of all community members and existing businesses into account when making this critical, possible quality of resident and business life and traffic altering decision. All of the developers promises to the quality of maintenance of this proposed hotel will not mean anything if the hotel is not able to be sustained and needs to be sold to a less reliable and consistent brand name name as can be seen further up on Route 202 N.