Agave restaurant in Chadds Ford will soon be able to sell liquor. The restaurant, at 1620 Baltimore Pike in the strip mall where the U.S. Post Office is located, currently is BYOB but township supervisors last night approved a liquor license transfer from Ridley Township.
Restaurant co-owner Chris Medina and Agave General Manager Rory Hirst testified that there would be no other changes to Agave’s current operation. The restaurant does not have any entertainment and will not. Hours of operation — being open for lunch and dinner Tuesday through Saturday and an early opening for brunch on Sunday — would also remain the same.
Any physical change would be to add a small bar for mixing drinks, but there would not be a bar where patrons can just to sit at a bar and drink, Hirst said.
In response to questions, Hirst also said employees would be RAMP trained, meaning they would go through the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board’s Responsible Alcohol Management Program.
According to the LCB RAMP website, “…anyone who serves or sells alcoholic beverages and/or checks IDs, including but not limited to bartenders, waiters, certificate distributor sales persons, bouncers, door persons, etc. – must complete RAMP Server/Seller training within six months of being hired…”
Agave currently employs 10 to 12 people, Hirst said, but they might add three more once the restaurant is ready to serve alcoholic beverages.
Supervisors approved the license transfer 3-0.
Other business
Supervisors’ Chairman Frank Murphy explained the timeline for the 2019 budget. The board will vote to advertise the budget at its Dec. 5 meeting and vote on it at 4 p.m. on Dec. 28.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.