Unionville High School’s Indoor Color Guard was crowned first place champions in Tournament Indoor Association’s Southeastern Pennsylvania Region. They achieved a season-high score of 91.54 in the Scholastic A Division. This was Unionville’s first year competing in this upper-level performance classification.
Earlier in the season, Unionville also made their first trip to the Winter Guard International World Championships in Dayton, Ohio and competed against 129 groups from around the country to advance to the semi-finals in the Scholastic A Division.
Unionville’s 13-member ensemble performed their award-winning show “The Lair” with artistry and precision. The expressive production was set to the music of the string quartet Bond and was based on the ballet “Dracula.” It depicted the desires of Dracula’s Sirens to be the next chosen.
Through the use of period costuming and the exploration of a broad range of choreographic styles, the performers took the audience on a visual roller coaster ride that culminated in the selection of the next bride and mistress of “The Lair.”
