Unionville-Chadds Ford School Board directors are preparing to vote next week on the final budget for the 2016-2017 school budget.
Board members voted on a proposed final budget last month, a budget that would increase school taxes an average of 2.77 percent between Chester and Delaware County residents. However, during the June 13 work session, Business Manager Bob Cochran offered another option that would result in an average increase of 2.66 percent.
Details of the latest option were not discussed and the proposal will not ne on the board’s website until Friday, June 17.
The proposed final budget calls for a property tax increase for Chadds Ford Township residents of 3.06 percent. The option presented Monday reduces that increase to 2.93.
Board President Vic Dupuis said he was glad to see the increase dip below the 3 percent mark.
School Board Vice President Jeff Hellrung said there would be a motion Monday on the budget that was proposed as final last month, but there could also be another motion for the new option.
The June 20 meeting will be in the district office beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Also that night, the board will vote on whether to award several bids for work at several district locations.
One such bid calls for spending $57,300 for paving, seal coating and line striping at the high school, as well as Hillendale and Chadds Ford Elementary Schools.
Another bid would have the district pay $13,350 to change the parking lot lighting at Patton Middle School. Building and Grounds Director Rick Hostetler said they want to switch to LED lighting, which would save on electricity costs. The LEDs also last about three times longer than the metal halide lights that are currently used.
The board also voted during the work session to hire Devin Layton as the new vice principal at Charles F. Patton Middle School. Principal Tim Hoffman referred to her as “the cream of the crop” of all the candidates.
“Her personality will be a great match for our kids and our district,” Hoffman said. “I couldn’t be more happy to introduce her.”
Layton will replace Jim Fulginiti, who retires at the end of July.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.