No one wants to become a crime statistic, but the Crime Victims’ Center of Chester County (CVC) exists to help those who find themselves in the grip of a justice system that can be daunting for those unfamiliar with it.

The advocacy agency, often labeled a lifeline by crime victims, is now preregistering participants for the 21st Annual Chester County Race Against Violence, an initiative that helps fund the agency’s mission. This year’s race will be held Saturday, April 30. Registration and check-in will be held from 7:30 a.m. until 8:45 a.m. at the Chester County Justice Center, 201 West Market Street in West Chester, on the day of the race.
Since 1973, CVC has been operating in West Chester and has been recognized internationally for its victim advocacy work. Sponsors are still needed to help make this year’s benchmark event a fundraising success. Anyone interested in learning about the many sponsorship opportunities should call Peggy Gusz, the agency’s executive director, at 610-692-1926. All sponsors will be named on the race t-shirt and are welcome to have a table or exhibit at the event.
Starting times for the event will be 9 a.m. for the 5K Run/Walk and 9:05 a.m. for the One-Mile Walk. All proceeds from this annual fundraiser are used to provide CVC’s supportive services to child and adult victims of all types of crime, as well as prevention and education programs on personal safety and risk reduction for all ages.
On the day of the race, the cost to participate is $25 for either the race or the walk. All participants will receive a t-shirt. The family maximum is $60, which includes up to four t-shirts. Registration and check-in will be held from 7:30 a.m. until 8:45 a.m. at the Chester County Justice Center, 201 W. Market St., West Chester.
Preregistration is $20 by April 28 and can be done via mail or online at Click on race and then race calendar to locate the April 30 event. Online pre-registration, which requires a small fee, ends on April 28 at 11:59 p.m.
Trophies will be awarded to the top male and female runners. Medals will be awarded to the winners of each age group. The divisions are age 12 and under; 13 to 19; 20 to 29; 30 to 39; 40 to 49; 50 to 59; 60 to 69; and 70 and over. Activities for children will be held near the area of the finish line.
For more information on the event, call CVC at 610-692-1926 or click here.
The Crime Victims’ Center of Chester County, Inc. is a private, community-based, nonprofit that provides a broad range of supportive services to crime victims and their families, including hotline response, counseling, education programs, and accompaniment to medical, police, and legal procedures. It also operates two, 24-hour hotlines: 610-692-7273 (sexual assault) and 610-692-7420 (other crimes).
For more information about CVC and its work in Chester County, visit the agency’s website:
