With the likelihood of a significant storm ready to affect our area this weekend, Blood Bank of Delmarva (BBD) has made the decision to close their collection operations on Saturday, Jan. 23.
“The safety of our donors is a top priority,” said Ric Thomas, lead executive of Donor Services at BBD. “At the same time, we need to be certain that we collect enough blood to get our hospitals through the stormy weekend, which is why we’ll work late on Friday.”
Blood Bank of Delmarva will open all five of their donor centers beginning at 7 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 22. Anyone with a scheduled appointment is highly encouraged to keep that appointment due to the critical nature of this collection. “With a storm of this nature, we need to collect as much blood as we’ll need for the next three days,” said Thomas. “We will also keep our Christiana and Dover centers open for extended hours on Friday until 5 p.m.
O negative and platelet donations are especially needed as we head into the weekend,” Thomas pointed out. “Times like this is when we truly need our community partners to help support our efforts…it’s all about helping to save lives.” No appointments are necessary and walk-ins are welcome.
“We’ll also need donors to report on Monday to make up for lost collection opportunities over the weekend,” cautioned Thomas. “It will take an extended effort by all concerned to help manage through this weather crisis.”
Blood Bank of Delmarva operates five permanent donor centers throughout the Delmarva region, as well as more than 30 mobile donation locations. Blood can be safely donated every 56 days as long as an individual is at least 17 years of age, weighs at least 110 pounds and is in generally good health. Platelets can be donated every two weeks as long as the donor has a height, weight and platelet count ratio that is conducive to giving. More than 35 percent of the U.S. population is eligible to give blood, but only 5 percent actually do.
For more information about the Blood Bank or to schedule a donation appointment, please call 1-888-8-BLOOD-8 or visit www.DelmarvaBlood.org. You can also download BBD’s mobile app and schedule an appointment on your mobile device. Although appointments are preferred, walk-in donors are always welcome, preferred, walk-in donors are always welcome.
