In its annual pre-election luncheon, Chadds Ford Republican Party leaders reminded party activists to make sure they vote and to make sure they get their neighbors to the polls on Nov. 3.
Party leader Mary Kot said she wants to set up a phone bank so registered Republicans can be reminded, and she wants volunteers to work the polls on Election Day.
“We have enough people to win the election,” said Deb Reardon, chairman of the township’s Open Space Committee, “but we have to get our people to the polls.”

While Reardon is not running for any office this year, four others seeking office were on hand to speak. Among them were Supervisor Samantha Reiner, who was appointed earlier this year to replace Keith Klaver and who must run in November for the remainder of that term, and Noelle Barbone, who is hoping to replace George Thorpe as supervisor. Thorpe is not running again.
Other local candidates on hand were Carolyn Daniels and Lorraine Ramunno, who are both running for school board. Daniels is currently on that board and seeking re-election.
Reiner, who is running unopposed, said Chadds Ford residents need to make some serious decisions about its future.
“I believe we are at a crossroads here, as the pressure of development moves forward, and we feel the push from our nearby neighbors. The hundreds of acres of open area, beautiful view sheds and former farmland are vulnerable and targeted by developers,” she said, but “we can't lock the gates and stop development.
“What we can do is raise the bar…and require excellence in design. Together with my running mate, Noelle Barbone, we are prepared to welcome progress that makes conditions better in our community, recognizes and preserves the important cultural, historic and natural resources that make Chadds Ford such a special place to call home.”
Barbone, a real estate agent who is running against Democrat Alan Horowitz, currently serves as chairman of the Strategic Advisory Committee and is on the Historic Architecture Review Board (HARB).
“For the past two years I’ve been attending the supervisors and Planning Commission meetings and various community meetings where issues are discussed, I have listened, I have questioned, and I’ve made comments,” Barbone said. “I’m also on a first-name basis with [state Rep.] Stephen Barrar and have no problem reaching out to him or to state Sen. Pileggi to discuss any issue that is paramount to our township. I am ready to serve as township supervisor…Let’s win this on Nov. 3.”
Constable Phil Wenrich, who is also running for re-election, said he thinks a board with Reiner, Barbone and current Supervisors’ Chairman Frank Murphy would be “the best thing that ever happened to this township in a long time.”
“We need to win this [election],” he said. “If we don’t win this, the other side is going to take this township in a very different direction. So if you care about this township, get out there and beat the doors and bushes to make this happen.”
Murphy spoke briefly, saying it’s important that Reiner and Barbone both win, but more important that Barbone win her race since Reiner faces no opposition.
“The other night we had a two-hour meeting about the last leg of the loop road, and there was one person in the audience who is running for supervisor: Noelle Barbone. There’s another person running for supervisor who was not in the audience. So [there was] the most important project that’s facing this township in years, which took hours of our evening. I was there. Samantha was there. And Noelle was there. Her dedication to this township speaks volumes,” Murphy said. “We need her on this board.”
Also attending were Barrar, Pileggi, U.S. Rep. Pat Meehan, Delaware County Republican Party Chairman Andy Reilly, and District Attorney Jack Whelan.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.