A sobriety checkpoint conducted last week resulted in 12 arrests, Kennett Township Police Chief Lydell E. Nolt said in a press release.
On Friday, Sept. 18, Kennett Township Police Department, in conjunction with the Chester County Impaired Driving Program, set up the checkpoint at the intersection of Routes 1 and 52 from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m., the release said.
During that time frame, police made contact with 766 vehicles, interaction that prompted field sobriety tests for 16 drivers, 12 of whom were arrested. The release said four drivers were arrested for driving impaired as a result of controlled substance/drug use; seven for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol; and two for drug possession, one of whom also faces DUI charges.
Nolt said the names of those arrested would be released once charge are filed, which will occur after the toxicology reports are reviewed.
The Kennett Township Police Department also issued a reminder to motorists that impaired driving poses a serious safety risk to everyone on the highway and will subject operators to arrest.
