All graduating Unionville High School Seniors pursuing post high school education are eligible to enter to win one of three $500 scholarships by writing a 500-word essay on how they applied these principles to an event or experience in their life and how it impacted the outcome.
Alternatively, how could the student have applied these principles in a personal experience or event and achieved a different and better outcome?
The winning students will be chosen based on their recognition of the value of ethical actions, as highlighted by the four-way test and described in their essay, and their community service experience. No other criteria will be applied so transcripts, statements of financial need and other typical scholarship application components are not needed.
The Four-Way Test is a set of four questions that all Rotarians are asked to apply in their personal and business dealings and actions to ensure they are ethical and valuable. The Four-Way test spread worldwide after its application by every employee in every action saved at least one US business owned by a Rotarian in 1932, during the height of the Depression. If you can answer these four questions with a “Yes” your action passes the test:
Is it the Truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Longwood Rotary is a service club meeting every Thursday morning at 6:45 AM in the Terrace Restaurant in Longwood Gardens. Its members support many of the local non-profits and are focused on improving the health and wellbeing of everyone in our community and around the world.
