Monday, Feb. 2, is the date for a public hearing in Chadds Ford Township to determine whether or not a property near Painter’s Crossing will be rezoned for townhouse use. The hearing is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m.
According to a public notice issued by the township, the Board of Supervisors will hold its monthly meeting immediately after the hearing and “may enact” the proposed changes.
(Procedurally, a vote on the ordinance changes can’t happen that night if the hearing is continued.)
Hovnanian Homes wants to construct a 104-unit townhouse development on Brandywine Drive across from the Hannum’s Harley Davidson Motorcycle dealership and behind the Painter’s Crossing shopping center.
Before that can happen, however, the 20-acre parcel must be rezoned from PBC, or Planned Business Campus, to PBC-1. There must also be a text amendment authorizing townhouses in a PBC-1 zoning district.
The proposed ordinance that would allow the changes, Ordinance 2015-132, sets forth the standards and requirements regarding setbacks, yard sizes, and buffers, as well as the number of parking spaces required for each unit and how much of a green area is mandated.
Hovnanian has been working with the Chadds Ford Planning Commission for more than a year to reach this point, but even if the zoning changes are made, the project isn’t guaranteed to happen.
The developer must still go through a conditional use hearing and then get subdivision and land development approval before shovels can hit the ground.
A number of residents have spoken out against the project, citing increased traffic and noise in the area. Supervisors in December voted to authorize the advertising of a hearing to consider lowering the speed limit on Brandywine Drive from 35 to 25 mph, but that hearing has not yet been announced.
The townhouse hearing and supervisors’ meeting are scheduled for a Monday next month because of a conflict one of the supervisors has on Wednesday, the usual night for the Chadds Ford Township supervisors’ meeting.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.