Concord Township will spend time in the coming year to review and amend zoning and land development ordinances.
Land planning consultant Tom Comitta gave a brief presentation to township supervisors on Nov. 6 regarding the issues and said he found 140 sections in the codes that need amending. In many cases, he said, sentences and definitions need changing for the sake of consistency.
Comitta said his review and resulting recommendations began at the request of township residents.
A zoning task force will begin reviewing those recommendations sometime in December or January, according to Supervisors’ Chairman Dominic Pileggi. He added that there would be public hearings before any changes are made.
Comitta also said the township should review and possibly update some sections of its Comprehensive Plan. He recommended the township look specifically at sections dealing with future land use and transportation as well as looking at how best to implement strategies.
Currently, Concord is 76 percent developed, with another 14 percent designated as either open space or for recreation, according to Committa. Another 10 percent remains undeveloped, he said.
Other business
Township solicitor Hugh Donaghue said the newly elected members of the Government Study Commission would be empaneled 10 days after the Nov. 4 election results are certified by the county, which should be sometime at the end of this month.
Voters overwhelmingly opted to create the commission to explore the possibility of changing the structure of Concord’s government. Members of the commission have 18 months to research, report and make a final recommendation.
Should the group recommend a change, voters will have a chance to approve or disapprove the recommendation when it’s placed as a question on the 2016 November ballot.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.