This announcement e-mail to district parents stating that our Chadds Ford Elementary School Principal of seven years, Mark Ransford is ‘same day’ gone has left me shocked and saddened.

As I think about the ways he has supported students, parents and teachers during his time at CFE, I’m grateful for the positive impact he’s made and I shall miss him.
I enjoyed his quick wit and sensitive approach to issues. It was not a rarity for him to put himself out for others and would do so with a smile. The respect I saw him consistently show students was part of an admiration that seemed to go both ways.
During his tutelage, lobby and hallway walls were turned into creative and colorful works of student art throughout the school for all to enjoy well into the future. Mark’s desire to create an environment that would lend itself to pleasure and an exhilaration for learning have been realized.
Curriculum initiatives and teambuilding were efforts he took on and expanded throughout the school, along with projects and improvements that serve the children.
Personally, one of the things I will remember most is how Mark Ransford handled those times when on occasion our phone would ring and we’d hear a voice say “Hi, this is Mark Ransford, nothing’s wrong, however….” I think back now and smile, appreciating how past mistakes were understood and accepted by Mr. Ransford as part of growing up and a part of life in general. Our child’s missteps became steppingstones for learning and opportunities to figure out what went wrong, make corrections and forge ahead. Mark gave our child the room to make his own mistakes, grow from them and move on.
I wish him well in the next adventure he tackles and know it will be a success.
Ann Ashmore
Chadds Ford Township
