• It was “Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home” for preschoolers at Chesterbrook Academy in Chadds Ford Township on April 22. In honor of Earth Day, the kids,with the help of teachers and staff, released an estimated 4,500 ladybugs into the environment. Amid the squeals and giggles were the occasional “eew,” but mostly the kids expressed joy and fascination. (See photos)
• The Kennett Area Senior Center sponsors a free Medicare counseling session on Thursday, May 1 and 15 from 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Sign up to meet with a Department of Aging volunteer from APPRISE who can help you with any questions you have about Medicare and your individual coverage. Please contact the KASC at 610-444-4819 to make an appointment.
• Hillendale Elementary School will host its third annual 5k and 1-mile fun run/walk on Saturday, May 10, at 9 a.m. All proceeds go to Operation Warm, a non-profit organization that provides new coats for kids in need. Preregister for the 5k and receive a free t-shirt. Go to https://www.signup2raceusa.com/registration/huskyhustle/ Race day registration is also available. For more details, visit www.hes.ucfsd.org.
• Nationally-known lecturer and author Brooks Gibbs will speak about bullying to all middle school students and staff at the Charles F. Patton Middle School on May 8. Gibbs’ program was awarded to the district through the efforts of a Unionville High School student. His nationwide tour of middle schools is sponsored by Office Depot and the band One Direction. An event for parents and high school students is scheduled for May 7 at 7 p.m. in the Unionville High School Auditorium; made possible by a grant from the Unionville-Chadds Ford Education Foundation. For more information on Gibbs, visit his Web site at: www.BrooksGibbs.com

• The P-51 Mustang, one of the most iconic fighter planes of WWII will be on display from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on May 3 at the New Garden Flying Field. Admission to see the aircraft is free, according to a press release.
