John Lodise from Citizens Bank and Lisa Dort from WSFS are pictured at the annual Christmas Party of the Business and Professional Association of Western Delaware County.
The event is the holiday celebration where members and guests gather to have dinner and dance at Penn Oaks Golf Club. More than a dozen baskets and a cash prize were awarded.
New board members were introduced with the changes in officers. Lodise is the outgoing president. He was given a plaque to acknowledge his contributions over the past two years. Lodise will remain on the board and head up a new sub-committee explore the best way to support and give back to the community.
Dort will assume the presidency for the next two years. In 2014 she will be serving double presidencies for the BPA and for the CFBA. Other officers for 2014 are Ron Hudecheck as Vice President, Deborah Love as Secretary and Anne E. Eunson as Treasurer.
The big winner of the night was Karen Ferriola pictured with her husband Larry.
For more information about the organization go to
Submitted by Sofia Clinger
