It was a sun-kissed Saturday for Community Day in Chadds Ford, a day that also saw the annual Pennsbury Yard Sale and the Art and Garden Sale at Pocopson Elementary School.
Community Day included the spring road cleanup by more than 20 volunteers from the Chadds Ford Civic Association, along with an association sponsored

food drive.

But the day also included the annual recycling event in which residents bring old computers, TVs and other appliances — “anything with a plug” — for recycling. There were also boxes for clothing donations to Goodwill Industries, a drop off for old cell phones and a shredding service for personal documents no longer needed.
This year, a Chadds Ford Boy Scout, John Stockey, of Troop 93, was on hand collecting old CDs and DVDs for the charity Vinny’s Kids of Harrisburg. The collection was part of Stockey’s Eagle Scout project. Vinny’s Kids was started in 2004 to provide sick children with entertainment during their hospital stay.
Folks in Pennsbury were also enjoying the day. Residents got the chance to sell off clothing, furniture, artwork and other household items in a giant flea market held at the township park. By 10 a.m., more than 550 cars had gone through the entrance.
Meanwhile, the PTO at Pocopson Elementary School was holding its annual Art and Garden Sale fund-raiser. The event raised $22,000 last year and this year’s coordinator, Darragh Young, was hoping

to match that. There was no word on how much was raised by press time.
The gymnasium was packed with more people this year than last. Young said there are 400 families in the school and that almost everyone was there Saturday.
She added that there were 17 regular vendors, plus more crafts tables from the kids.
“They’re making flip flops and scarves, not just friendship bracelets,” Young said.
Featured photo: Chadds Ford Civic Association volunteers before cleaning up township roadways Saturday. Photo courtesy of Tom Singer, Chadds Ford Civic Association.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.