Police to watch ‘Devil’s Road’

Cossart Road in Pennsbury Township’s, also known as “Devil’s Road”, will get some extra patrolling by the Pennsylvania State Police during the Halloween season.

Township Manager Kathleen Howley asked State Police Cpl. Michael Stoner during the Oct. 17 Board of Supervisors’ meeting to step up patrolling Cossart Road during “mischief season”.

Howley told Stoner, who was making his quarterly report to the township, that during the weeks surrounding Halloween, the Cossart Road area is frequented by mischief makers.

“Police patrols along “Devils road” are necessary to keep the areas safe from rowdy visitors,” she said.

Stoner responded by saying that troopers from the Avondale barracks “diligently patrol during this season and are aware of potential unwelcome visitors.”

During his report, Stoner said, “Pennsbury remains a safe community with little criminal activity.”

Most of the incidents police responded to involve traffic passing through the community on Route 1. In addition, he said that during the last quarter, the state police reported 26 criminal incidents, most of which related to drug possession found in vehicles stopped for traffic violations including driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

There were 24 vehicle crashes on township roads, four of which were the result of drunk driving.   Stoner added “in a typical quarter Pennsbury roads average around 35 to 40 incidents involving the state police, so this past quarter has been favorable.

Aaron McIntyre, chairman of Board of Supervisors asked for an update on the recent Hillendale Road home invasion that resulted in a township resident being shot and the home robbed.

Stoner said, “We can only make limited comment about a crime under active investigation.   Our investigators conducted interviews as recently as today.   We believe it was a targeted crime not a random incident. We have been in contact with the Delaware State Police and the F.B.I.  sharing details of this crime. All we can disclose is the F.B.I. is not presently directly assisting in our investigation.   We can also disclose the victim is recovering from his bullet wound in his leg and other injuries suffered during the robbery”.

Other business

Township solicitor Tom Oeste said the sheriff’s sale for the Pennsbury Village Associates property scheduled for Oct. 18 was postponed until Nov. 15.

“Until the Sherriff’s sale matter is resolved, the township remains uncertain regarding the status of the development of land immediately adjacent to Hickory Hill Road and the parcels of land on both sides of the Pennsbury Township building along route 1”.

Supervisor Charles “Scotty” Scottoline added, “The fate of the historic Hope house located on land owned by PVA developers is also on hold until the project status and related financing and legal issues are resolved.”

Township Manager Howley reported postcards had been mailed to all Pennsbury residents regarding Fall branch and leaf collection dates Oct. 22 – Nov. 30. Township residents can phone Howley 610-388-7323 or email [email protected] for details.

About Jim Phreaner

After 41 years of auditing large NYSE global corporations, former IRS Agent Jim Phreaner was looking for a project in retirement with fewer regulations and more people. He joined the staff at Chadds Ford Live more than a year ago. James Edward “Jim” Phreaner, 64, died suddenly in his Birmingham Township home on Dec.17, 2012. Jim was a devoted husband, son, father, friend, and neighbor.

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