New super in Pennsbury

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Kay Ellsworth takes the oath of office to be a supervisor in Pennsbury Township. She is sworn in by former Township Manager Kathy Howley. Ellsworth replaces Dan Boyle who became the township manager after Howley retired last summer.

Pennsbury Township now has a new supervisor replacing Dan Boyle. Kay Ellsworth was sworn in at the beginning of the Feb. 19 meeting. She will serve out the remainder of this year when Boyle’s term would have ended, and she will run for her own six-year term in November.

Ellsworth has lived in Pennsbury for four years and has been on the Planning Commission for three. She said she wanted to become a supervisor to serve the community.

“I sat on the Planning Commission for three years already and when an opening became available, and they asked if I would accept the appointment for the balance of Dan’s term, it was a great opportunity,” she said adding her goal is “to continue to serve the township in any way I can and to further the goals of the Comprehensive Plan.”

Supervisors’ Chairman Aaron McIntyre spoke highly of Ellsworth.

“She had served in an exemplary fashion on the Planning Commission. She’s logical, and empathetic, considers the large picture, and distills it all down into some really good decision-making. That’s important to us. She’s also very good with the public and I think that she answers very directly, and I think she’ll make a great contribution.”

There was a touch of irony in the swearing-in. Ellsworth was sworn in by former Township Manager Kathy Howley who retired last summer and was replaced as manager by Boyle.

Other business

Supervisors awarded a contract to fix a sinkhole at a small bridge on Constitution Drive in the Knolls. The contract went to Bertolet Construction, LLC, of Wernersville, Pa. According. to Boyle, the contract is for $65,000, which was the lowest of eight bids received.

Township engineer Matt Houtman said the work would likely begin in March.

Township supervisors also recognized the career of David Allen who is retiring after working for the township for 45 years. He started in 1980 and became the roadmaster in 1990.

The commendation reads, in part: “…Dave and his department have diligently served the township and its residents by maintaining and repairing the township roads and keeping the roads safe and passable during inclement weather and…have also maintained the public parks and properties in an exemplary fashion.”

About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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