Board accepts Sanville’s retirement

Directors of the Unionville-Chadds Ford School Board, somewhat reluctantly, unanimously agreed to accept the resignation of Superintendent John Sanville.

He was hired in September 2011 after former Superintendent Sharon Parker retired. Sanville announced his retirement publicly in an email on Jan. 31, saying it will be effective July 31.

(File photo) John Sanville at the 2014 Polar Plunge.

While it was only an agenda item for the meeting with no planned ceremony, several of the directors chose to congratulate Sanville and express their own feelings on his retirement.

Mary Kate Loomis, in her first term as director, offered congratulations to Sanville saying she would “grudgingly accept his retirement.”

Addressing Sanville directly she said, “It’s always been a comfort having you in charge. You’re the only superintendent I’ve known as a parent…Sitting on the board has given me a deeper appreciation for what you do and how well you do it. You love the district. You genuinely want the best for the staff, the students, the families, the community. Anybody who knows you knows that to be the truth.”

Brian Schartz shares Loomis’ mixed emotional status regarding Sanville.

“It’s a bittersweet moment,” he said addressing the superintendent. “We’re with mixed emotions for the loss of your impact on our community. At the same time, it’s a moment to celebrate a well-deserved retirement and offer our congratulations. So, this being our first opportunity to publicly acknowledge that I want to congratulate you on your retirement and wish you all the best.”

Board President Victoria Baratta also said she has mixed emotions over the retirement. “I have deeply appreciated the kindness and leadership that Dr. Sanville has shown me and the entire community over the past 13 years. I’m excited for him to take a much-deserved rest and then, I am sure, pursue professional options that will only expand his positive educational impact across the state and the country.”

Steve Simonson said, “I want to acknowledge the retirement of Dr. Sanville. There will be time down the road to more fully celebrate and reflect on Dr. Sanville’s 14 years here, but we’ve been very fortunate to have his steady hand on the wheel and there will be large shoes to fill. I wish you a wonderful retirement.”

Erin Talbert also expressed appreciation for Sanville.

“I want to thank Dr. Sanville. He has served for 13 years, and his legacy will live on in the strong and capable leaders he has developed and the many students who have graduated and gone on to contribute to our community, businesses, the armed forces, and society in general. I’m personally grateful for his steady hand at the wheel during turbulent times. It’s a tough job and John deserves our gratitude.”

The board also voted 9-0 to have the Chester County Intermediate Unit to conduct the search for a new superintendent.

Sanville was originally hired in 2007 as director of secondary curriculum before becoming superintendent.

In an email from the district on Feb. 19, Sanville is quoted as saying: “Serving as Superintendent of Unionville-Chadds Ford School District has been the greatest privilege of my career. This district is defined by its incredible students, passionate educators, and a community that values education. I am immensely proud of what we have accomplished together and excited for the district’s continued success in the years ahead.”

There were offers from several entities to conduct the search, but the CCIU proposal was the most favorable since it’s free of charge. Other entities were asking for anywhere from $15,000 to $26,425.

No timeline regarding the search and eventual hiring was presented during the meeting, but the proposal from the CCIU outlines what it will provide, as well as a possible timeline. Actions include private sessions with the school board to discuss the hiring process, up to six staff and community focus groups, coordinating interviews with candidates, plus 12 other services. The aim is to have a candidate chosen for a board vote in May.

The CCIU search team includes its Executive Director George F. Fiore, Steve Gerhard, the assistant executive director, plus five others including former U-CFSC Communications Director Christa Fazio.

About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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