Townships reorganize for 2025

Per state law, all municipalities in Pennsylvania are required to reorganize on the first Monday of January, unless that happens to be the New Year's Day holiday. The reorganization includes, among other things, voting for supervisor’s chair and vice chair, and swearing in new appointees if needed.

In Chadds Ford Township, Timotha Trigg is the new supervisors’ chairman and Kathleen Goodier is the vice chair. Lacey Faber was reappointed as township manager, Mike Maddren as township solicitor, and Mike Schneider as engineer. Tom Comitta was also reappointed as land planner. Additionally, Carolyn Daniels and Tom Bradley were reappointed to the Planning Commission and Paul Koch will serve another term on the Zoning Hearing Board.

After several years of being the chairman, now Supervisor Samantha Reiner said she’s “delighted we have talented supervisors we can lean on to rotate the chairmanship.”

Things remain status quo in Concord Township. Domini Pileggi is again council president and the two Johns, Gillespie and Crossan are the co-vice presidents. Amanda Serock was reappointed as township manager, Hugh Donoghue as township solicitor, Nate Cline engineer, and Tom Comitta as the township land planner.

During the regular meeting, council members granted conditional use approval for a carwash on Conchester Highway. The carwash is part of a facility for David Auto. There will also be a detailing shop on the property, but the dealership will remain on Route 22 in Chadds Ford Township.

In Pocopson Township, Elaine DiMonte and Ricki Stumpi will continue as Board of Supervisors’ chairman and vice chairman, respectively. Kristen Camp is the solicitor, and Jim Fritsch is the township engineer.

There were no changes in West Marlborough Township. William Wylie remains the chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and Jacob Chalfin is vice chair for another year. Dwight Yoder and Michale Conrad were reappointed as solicitor and engineer, respectively.

There were no changes in East Marlborough Township either. Ellen. L. Sosangelis will serve another year as supervisors’ chairman and John Sarro will be the vice chairman again.

In Kennett Township, Richard Leff is the supervisors’ chairman and Pat Muller is the vice chairman. Kilkenny was again retained as the township solicitor and Carroll Engineering will serve as the engineering firm.

The procedure is different in Kennett Square. As a borough, it reorganizes every two years, according to Borough Manage Kyle Coleman. Bob Norris and Kathleen Caccamo remain as Borough. Council president and vice president, respectively. However, on Monday, the council reappointed Michael Crotty as the solicitor and Michael Ellis of Pennoni Engineering as the engineer.

It's status quo in Birmingham Township also. Scott Boorse is chairman of the Board of Supervisors again and Mike Shiring is vice chair. Quina Nelling is the township manager, and Tom Nelling is the chief of police. Kristen Camp is the solicitor.

There was one change to the Pennsbury Township Board of Supervisors. While Aaron McIntyre returns to the board as chairman and Wendell Fenton as vice chairman, Dan Boyle is off the board replaced by Kay Ellsworth. As previously reported, Boyle needed to resign from the board to become the new township manager after Kathy Howley retired. Boyle is now officially the new manager. Matt Houtman and Tom Oeste were reappointed as township engineer and solicitor, respectively.

About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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